After I have wriiten several emails to Gree and in forum to provide us how to open KA with our current IOS 4.3.3 as we are still using our old devices, upgrading of IOS6.1xx might not be feasible. Gree refure to reply me at all. Likewise in have simply ignored us.

There should be a warning of upgrading the version of the game or whatsoever and required the support of IOS 5.1 & above, but they didnt not mention anything in the app store.

I am stuck with hundreds of gems in the game, cant do my guest and I dont even know how shall I inform my guild members.

Kindly help us and solve the issue on the game. If you guys managed to solve CC for the IOS4.3.3 users why not KA!!

Lastly Gree admin kindly answer me..and not those senior members in the forum!! Thanks