Normally when I'm talking to someone in authority, I would be more respectful. But I'm going to be honest right now. I also know this is against the rules, but I feel it is necessary to do. I'm not going to say bring back Devin or anything, but I do want you to consider this before banning someone: Are they a long time forum member or are they the spamming troll? It's one thing to ban the person with 100 posts an hour who just created his or her account yesterday. Its another thing to ban a long time forum member trying to improve the game. I don't know why Devin was banned, and I'm not going to ask. All of what I'm asking is to consider how long that person has been a forum member before issuing the ban. I would like to compliment you on locking threads before they get out of hand. You guys are good at that (no sarcasm intended). One last thing, understand that we are not here to hurt you. When a player like me posts feedback like this, it is meant to HELP and GUIDE this game in a better direction. We want this game to be great, just like you. The forum members and GREE staff have their differences, but they both have one common goal: make the games better. We literally tell you how you can get us to give you money. Anyway, I hope you take these words into consideration. If you ban me then you'll prove my point. If you take my feedback, regardless of whether or not you implement it, will prove that there is a future for these forums, that they can return to the friendly environment of gamers with a common interest: Modern War. Thank you.