Hi Knights,

I'm definitely seeing the frustration and negative sentiment on the odds etc. from the chest themselves. I'll be sharing the information with the team, so that they're well aware of the current feedback from the community on this.

That being said, there's a probability tied into getting the legendary armors and yes, it's not easily found etc. (or else it wouldn't be a legendary) but, it's the luck of the draw for this one. Just because no one in the forums have yet to say anything about acquiring the new legendary doesn't mean they don't exist or no one has found it.

I also would like to bring up an issue that i'm seeing from the recent post etc. and that would be profanity, asking players to go on strike, quitting, etc. I'm all for speaking your mind and positive criticism is more than welcomed, but there's a line that we have to draw on what's being said out of frustration. Anything along those lines will result in an edited post, warning, and/or ban if it continues.

As promised since day 1 from my arrival to these forums, i'll try to communicate and make sure that the development team sees and understands the communities opinions and point of views. In addition, we'll try to make the communication as 2 sided and main streamed as possible. Thank you for everyone's cooperation and understanding of this matter.