Just want to check why you guys completely abandoned further HQ development. As of now it is mostly useless for top factions and no one really spends on it. So instead of countless circle talk with "MW reps" that repeat the same issues over and over again. Lag blah blah. We need compensate for some useless Infantry Attack +1% blah blah and so on, may be you can engage in big picture convos with folks who understand this game and may be help you to make it more interesting.
So couple advises on HQ:
1. Airstrip. Prizes for upgrades well off base and not worth it to spend gold on. Suggestion: revise them and make them something that all want (health packs, stamina packs, time reduction for upgrades and so on).
2. Add new buildings. Add temp bonuses as a faction temp prizes. HR, Stamina, Box Drop rate and so on.
I have more to say about other events, but want see if it is matter for u.
Good luck