We recently made a change to the formula that calculates the sell-back value of units as people were abusing the new Alpha units found in the store. Currently, the client shows a much different value for the return on recycling than players are receiving. Thisis not a "glitch", but the client must be updated to resolve this issue. This can take up to a few weeks as the submission process takes time.

If you were selling units that were not purchased through the store, we will credit you the soft currency if you write in a ticket. Thanks.


Above was your comment on your stupid Hardcore Boss event with the stupid Alpha units.

You should know players here are clever and find out everything. Your engineers/programmers are a couple of simple schoolkids in my opinion.

Almost every event is full of bugs and irritates players alot.

Selling Alpha units, you can correct in a couple of days, but you don't succeed in making stats on IOS and Android the same. Stats are more essential then selling those Alpha units.
This last bug is for more then a year now. LET US SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO AND FIX THIS IN 1 DAY.

Giving wrong units in events (with energy regen) are corrected in one day by Gree.

If you do something wrong then take your lost, correct it, but don't take money/valor away from players. Most are small players.
This is a realy rediculous action from Gree.

And think and use your brains before you start something new.

I have to say this by making this topic, because it is not possible to reach you in a normal way