Greetings ladies and gentlemen playing War of Nations and following its forum posts,

I, as a player, have been infinetly patient with this game and its multiple lags and issues and glitches and etc.... (Never ending list sadly...). I'm making this post to release my legal & observative conclusions toward this in-game event (As mentionned and specified by the document given to IOS apps developpers / / provided by the company Apple Inc.).


This event, technically named "Biostasis Chamber", but commonly called "Box Event" (It is commonly called so because its name can differ, but the concept stays the same) is violating the articles 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.14 & 22.2 of the document mentionned above. Here are precisions (Quotes) of the articles (As mentionned and specified by the document given to IOS apps developpers ( provided by the company Apple Inc.):

2.1 Apps that crash will be rejected;

2.2 Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected;

2.3 Apps that do not perform as advertised by the developer will be rejected;

2.4 Apps that include undocumented or hidden features inconsistent with the description of the App will be rejected;

2.14 Apps that are intended to provide trick or fake functionality that are not clearly marked as such will be rejected;

22.2 Apps that contain false, fraudulent or misleading representations or use names or icons similar to other Apps will be rejected.


1) The article 2.1 is being violated due to in-game crashes while trying to participate in the event.
To participate in this event, you have to gain crates (boxes). To gain those, you have to attack "NPC renegades command centers" of any level (Level 2 to 38). The crash happens if you try to hit multiple npc renegades command centers at the same time. The screen freezes during the selection of your commander in your in-game army, which leads to a crash.

2) The article 2.2 is being violated due to in-game bugs while trying to participate in this event.
To participate in this event, you have to gain crates (boxes). To gain those, you have to attack "NPC renegades command centers" of any level (Level 2 to 38). The bug happens if you try to hit multiple npc renegades command centers at the same time. The screen freezes during the selection of your commander in your in-game army.

3) The article 2.3 is being violated due to the violations of the articles 2.1 and 2.2, which are described above. It wasn't mentionned by the developper and it results in a poor performance in the event.

4) The article 2.4 is being violated due to the non-existing information and specifications about this in-game event when you first download the app in the App Store. Moreover, the event has been occuring at a very high rate, making it an essential aspect and face of the game "War of Nations" provided and developped by GREE International Inc.

5) The articles 2.14 & 22.2 are being violated due to the unknown odds of the unknown items available in each crate (box) earned during the event. The "?" button located on the box icon, displayed in the players' inventory, is suppose to show the odds and items, but it's not working (Can't access). The company can then manipulate those odds to increase its sales, which misleads the customers into the "Unlucky" mindset, pushing it to spend more.

As specified in the document, the app should be rejected, meaning it couldn't be available in the App Store. As it is already out, the company should fix the issues as soon as possible.

***The terms of services of "War of Nations" can only apply if the game meets the requirements of the document "AppStore Review Guidelines" provided by Apple Inc. to its developpers because they are the public distributors of the product.***


This current event is broken... The event started at 4pm (Eastern time) and I opened 8 boxes (Now 2am), only getting 1 chamber and 7 "jams"!!! I didn't open with gold, but the ones that do are already at 19 chambers. I never had any issues before when using money, always had a decent % of success. Is this a tactic from GREE to push people toward the "spending" option to stay competitive? I hope this is fixed soon enough...

Thanks for your time and don't forget to comment, it's really appreciated!