While there may be a changing event on the WD leaderboards after nearly four years, it is not a cause for celebration and a chance to call a collective team a bunch of losers once the win streak comes to an end.

The continual ad-hominem attacks are shameful. Interfering with a persons private life because of playing this game is abhorrent. Taking pleasure in others' misfortune or failure to perform at wallet-breaking levels truly demonstrates some of the more disgusting passive aggressive attacks only able through the anonymity of an internet message board.

A sociopath is a person that lacks empathy and acts without a conscience. The nastiness thrown around this weekend makes me wonder if the sociopaths are finding this the perfect opportunity to achieve their antisocial goals: feeling better about themselves at the expense of others.

It's saddening to see clever banter turn into all-out bashing on specific persons. And taking advantage of well-known baiting tactics on vulnerable people demonstrates weakness on both parties: feeding the troll, and being the troll.

Come on. Get it together. Just be ready for things to get shaken up a bit.

It should be cool moving forward without all of the overblown egos. Then again, perhaps it is an indication of things to come. Ether way, interesting times ahead, and it has been one wild ride.