Quote Originally Posted by Dipstik View Post
Not that it matters, but for those who are curious about their "results," consider this...

The questions are drafted by the author of the quiz. They're biased.
The correlation (if any) between the answers and actual policy positions or political beliefs of the candidates are determined by the author of the quiz. It's biased.
The weight given to the questions in determining the results is determined by the author of the quiz. It's biased.

The actual beliefs of the candidates are far too subtle and nuanced to be categorized by these simple questions. For example, take that "equal pay" question. Obviously every candidate believes in "equal pay for equal work," but my guess is that the author believes certain candidates are opposed. If you ask yourself which candidates, and why he believes that, you'll go a long way toward realizing the results of the quiz say more about the author's political beliefs than yours.

I'm guessing if everyone's being steered towards Bernie, there's a reason for it.
Yep, yep and yep!