Quote Originally Posted by TMGCCPERCY View Post
First off well done gree for taking action!!! Even if some of us innocent players lost our valor it was worth it (only had about 3m valor anyways)

But I now see the Apollo ship is 125m to buy, so will the legit Apollo ranked players that bought these for 12m be having there's removed? Not that I like being a grass or nothing but fairs fair right? Or has this already been done.. Maybe a mod or someone in the know can share light pls.

Definitely as big a problem as the other. A glitch with several layers, and every layer affects the playing field. Units that shouldn't have been available, turned into a snowball of cash and valor, turned into building upgrades, faction bonuses, legit cash units, legit valor units, now Frontline units, and ultimately an uneven playing field. And yes, those who bought them and recycled them for more than they paid also exploited, whether they were able to buy them from the store or had to find them in someone else's inventory.

HOWEVER - Gree screwed the pooch. Players fighting each other over who is righteous and who is dirty is a waste of time and takes the focus off the real problem. They just need to fix it, do their best to undo the damage, and hopefully do SOMETHING to prevent these sorts of things from happening in the future.