I put a ticket in because I would lose all of my double and triple strikes against a player in WD that I was dominating. I wanted to know why, since it was happening to my faction mates.

This is Gree's reply which leaves more to the imagination than the actual answer:

Matt Wilson (GREE International Inc.)
Feb 21, 09:08

Hi Italius,

Thank you for contacting Modern War Support.

I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing losses when a double or triple strike is received. If you are attacking a player who is close to being "too beat up" to further attack, and your attack that triggers a double or triple strike puts that player into a "too beat up" condition when your double or triple strike hits, it will not count and will register as a loss.

If you have experienced this loss from a double or triple strike and then continued to attack that same rival without them becoming "too beat up" to attack, please re-open this ticket and reply back with the date and time this happened, along with any additional information or screenshots which may document the matter.


Now, I'm not a genius at this game, but why would there be a situation where a target is "too beat up?" How do we, as players, know when a player we hit, who is completely anonymous of their "state" is "too beat up?" If Gree is going to create a function in the game like Double Strike and Triple Strike, wouldn't you assume it's going to work exactly the way it's described? Where the hell did this "too beat up" scenario come from? Is there a function to the game that only Gree Customer Support knows about? Or is this another BS explanation to something that doesn't work like it's supposed to?

Anyone care to share your thoughts?