Where does the biggest issue needing remedy lie? While these are all extremely important, which one trumps them all? This will surely draw criticism to Gree, however let's keep it constructive and on point so none of us run afoul of any Conduct violations.

1. Customer Service/Community Relations - The treatment of customers through direct interaction (or lack thereof).

2. Dev Issues/Bugs, Glitches, & Errors - For the purposes of this poll, I'm only talking about the incessant releasing of them and the effect on gameplay. The failure to address them would fall under #1.

3. General Direction of the Game - This includes the actual content of the game, working as intended or not, and whether it is good or bad.

4. Other - Let's try to keep it confined to the above three. However in case I missed something else that is a major concern and can not relate to the options I've already listed, I'm including this one. Please indicate what that would be if you select this one.