I was recycling old units last night, my +2 Energy Covert Jet Fighter got deleted. I did not select it to be recycled. I submitted a ticket to have my unit reinstated because it was Gree's fault, Customer Support Secialist Shane gave me nothing for my trouble the game caused.

It's one thing if I deletd my unit and asked for it back. It's another thing to have the unit disappear from my inventory because of bad code. NEVER NEVER NEVER in my life would I recycle a precious unit. Gree told me there was nothing they could do.

Until I get a positive response from Gree, I will be keeping my $100 I spend on a WD event. This is just another example of bad customer service. I won't stand for it.

I know this has happened to other players. Feel free to post your story. The sooner that Gree realizes this is not an isolated issue, the sooner we get compensated for their mistakes.