So my faction compiled tens of thousands of won attacks during the most recent wd, many/most of us have double and triple strike boosts, although not a ton of them. Each player reported getting only a small number of double strikes... and not a single triple strike out of 30k+ won attacks. Curious, I sent a ticket to gree and got back an explanation that said that if you have a 10% triple strike boost you do not have a 10% chance of getting a triple strike ONLY IF you have already been 'selected to get a double strike'.

For example , if you have 10% double strike and 10% triple strike:
You spin 'wheel one' and have a 10% or 1/10 chance that your attack will result in a double strike. If you get lucky and have a double strike then you spin 'wheel two' and have a 10% or 1/10 chance that your double strike turns into a triple strike... so even though your triple strike boost says 10% you actually have a 1/100 or 1% chance of a triple strike.

Given that this acts completely differently from the double strike boost, and isn't posted in a single location in game I think it is worth sharing. Also, I still think that the odds are that someone in my faction should have gotten a triple least once you know. Yes there were more temp boosts last cycle (they'v been going down every cycle), but the strikes occurred much more frequently in the previous war. Did anyone else's faction defy the odds and not get any reported triples?