Normal mode takes 9,980 energy to finish

Heroic mode takes a whooping 42,190 energy to finish

Total for the LTQ 52,170 energy

even players at level 200+, will only have 2100 energy when full, and if they get 6+ regen, in the next 4 days they can regen for free about 34,000 energy, thus being short 8,000 energy or 8 refills needed to complete to get a "awesome" Sanctuary golem with 307994/180886 stats and a 5% machine attack bonus

for some players spending 140 gems to finish is ok (assuming they baby sit their devices and use all their free regen, if not, it will cost more)

but for the rest of players, specially those at low levels that have less energy, they would need to
put timers to use all free energy.

with those energy requierement I do not think there is anyone in KA (not even the highest stat, regen bonuses players) that can finish this LTQ without gems.

also those that have under 1000 energy in their tanks due to their level, will have to spend more gems, because they cannot get the full 1000 per refill

way to go Greedy