Last week I upgraded to an iPhone 6+ and thanks to the miracle of Gree, had to create a new account in order to link my other accounts via Game Center. So the creation of the new account was unplanned and given that I missed the anniversary loot, the tank glitch, the rerelease of the LTBs and the beginning of the equipment cycle, I figured that I would be handicapped enough to see what a new player would experience.

A bit about me. I've been around since the first WDE, but did not participate in the battle for Brazil because my faction leader did not know he had to declare and the rest of us did not know we had to press the globe icon. The result? The entire event went by and we were all left standing wondering what the hell happened. Thanks for the memories Eddie. Naturally, I moved on and joined MWD, where I was surprised the leader would accept a pretty lame gold free account. But to Rizz's credit, he must have seen something, or he must have been self consuming some of the meds from work. But I digress.

I've got three accounts, I call them main, mini and micro. Main is currently in LGSTO, but freeloaded in MWD, DN, SLO, VFFL and KYS. Mini has pretty much been in AIA since creation, thanks to ATG and Hakim for putting up with a fairly useless account for several months until it could hold its own. Micro was created last week during the FLTQ/RB event and was homeless for a few days.

During that time, I was quite helpless as anyone with money seems to have created their account prior to the award of the anniversary loot, therefore had 333k def, much higher than my 10 atk. So what is a crappy new account to do? Well I checked groupme to see if there were any factions who had open spots for RB. Luckily, one faction was willing to give me a prestige spot for free. No, I didn't know anyone in the faction, this was a random opportunity. I must thank Hard Rock Cafe, as this was completely no strings attached. Being the nosy guy I am, I checked out their vault to see if they needed cash or crete that I could give from my main, but these guys were rocking, and didn't need any help, so I gratefully received the presitge prize and left.

Feeling GREEdy, I set out to see if I could aim higher, and get the masters prize. Again, went on groupme and searched the chats. Bang, this must have been karma, but Dbalz/MWD came calling and I offered to bring my 2m atk account to knock those 150s. No, since main was done with masters RB/FLTQ, I sent him over and helped hit the bosses. Luckily, in addition to getting the masters prize, the faction finished the presitge FLTQ, so whamo, 6m atk. Good start, but who needs a lv15 account with an IPH of 20k? Of course no one.

Out of options, I joined faction after faction that came up in the faction list. Yes, those that have the door open. There are actually some very good factions that come up randomly, even some extinct ones like FFF. In the end, I joined GREE, a faction full of KYS mini slacker accounts. It is a very confusing faction as there is a man playing an account called Tadaah, and I had to remind him that from my recollection, Tadaah was a she. But hey, there are many confused people in this game, so I guess this faction is no different. I thought my account was bad, but I felt comforted after checking these wall busting accounts.

From the timeline, next was FL. Now to give you a sense of how bad the faction is, the current leader of KYS must have hit the declare button twice over the two day event. In most cases, I had to deploy by myself, which is difficult when your IPH can't afford much. But thanks to all the lv10-20 accounts that bought AMRs, I was able to raid 200m during the event (but had to level up 5-6 times) and was able to buy several hundred tanks. Amazingly, the 2000-3000 rank teams were pretty awful. So while we did not get any meaningful faction or indi prizes, we did complete the 9/9 sweep and the 10/10 indi.

So here you have it, the one one week flashback of a new account. While I used my main to get the masters prize for the micro, everything else is perhaps the best I could do for free. Equipment wise, the account is 11/11 and has few multiple items. It has 15 health packs from the RB event and IPH is now a stellar 40k. So now WDE is upon us, should I stay and freeload (or actually be freeloaded) or should I jump for greener pastures? I'm staying for the time being as someone needs to hold the fort in team GREE.

All of this is actually true. I'll report back again in a week or two to report progress, not that this is the best roadmap for a new account, but just one way to navigate the game.