Known Issues With The New CC Update


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Thread: Known Issues With The New CC Update

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    Verbose Veteran
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    Known Issues With The New CC Update

    There are a few issues with CC ATM

    A few I found are posted below:

    NEW Issue
    • Syndicate player stats are displayed incorrectly

    War Issue
    •PA multiplying stats by 1.5X does not work as it originally did. When PA is used stats and accomplices remain the same

    • Rob Won / Rob Lost are backwards
    - Now fixed in your own profile but not fixed while viewing rival profile
    • Negative mafia modifiers don't work (IE -3% enemy mafia)
    • The wrong mafia modifiers show up (IE enemy has 500+ mafia when attacked)
    • Cannot see full bank balance
    • Attack/ Rob screen doesn't show attack AND defence parameters which are both of influence now

    In Hood Attacking Mechanism
    • Cannot 20-0 someone by clicking the Player in their hood, it will display "too beat up" after attacking the rival and winning one single time. Any further attempts are void from the hood view screen.
    Temp fix idea from a forum member: I can click on the attack link in the right side display and get the remaining 19 hits in that way, just have to hit and watch the PVP screen open and close after each hit. More time consuming, but at least this way is working, otherwise I'm not allowed to hit more then once. Happy gaming, Mate.

    Transfer Issues
    • Game Center not properly linking with CC accounts

    User Interface
    • Collect All button is oversized, in the way and serves a purpose for only 50% of CC, the other 50% don't use it, but it's semi impossible to avoid.

    Suggestions to improve Collect All:
    •Option to turn it off
    •Resize it to be much smaller
    •Place it right next to "xxxx hood's" banner and resize it to it's width to make it appealing
    •Option to indicate button functionality IE, collect all unrobbed buildings or collect robbed as well
    •In more detail from Weasel, a forum member:
    There is space right above the button for visiting a map that is unused while viewing your own hood. It's the same space used for the fight/rob results button when viewing rivals hoods. If relocation is the route Gree decides to go with that button, I'd like to formally suggest that area at the side of the screen directly above the "visit map" button is where collect all should be moved. Then it could be no bigger or smaller than any other buttons, and also be placed somewhere out of the way that people are already used to having buttons.

    Please add anything else you have found this is just the start of the list
    I'm sure things will build up as we go

    As we find more issues I will continue to add to the list above
    Please post your issues in a clear and concise way so we can properly communicate with GREE on the matter.
    The issues posted should be issues regarding the mass CC public and not just personal CC issues
    Last edited by SilentAssassin; 02-03-2015 at 01:27 PM.

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