Hello guys.

Today is a bad day. I just got kicked from an alliance that has been my fam for over a year now.

I have a few options that I want you guys to put your opinion on as I cannot make the decision myself: (I have left the names of the alliances anonymous so that a person in my same world will not recognize the names)

Alliance #1: Top ranked alliance in my world. Many active players, but very strict about activeness. A gold-spending community mostly. Was my ally in my old alliance.

Alliance #2: 2nd in my world, was one of our enemies in old alliance. A great community full of strong people, but people apparently do not chat much there. Despised by my old alliance.

Alliance #3: 3rd in my world, was another enemy in old alliance. People are boisterous, talk a lot about everything, good rewards. Despised by my old alliance.

Alliance #4: 5th in my world, was yet another enemy in old alliance. (This is the one I am thinking about at the moment.) Placed perfectly in diamond league for great rewards. I have heard that they are pretty active because of their perfect placement.

Please help me choose between these 4. I was so shocked when I got kicked that I just turned off my device and sat there for a few minutes, head in my hands.