First off Tadaaah, welcome back. I see you've been gone for a bit and hope all is well.

I have a few questions on the alliance battle that you can likely help with. Some I believe we know, but would be nice to get your confirmation

1. Are new members able to join the alliance now that the wars have started? We have new members looking to join but we are unable to let them in.

2. There are a few bugs, such as our Wars not showing for over an hour at a time. As a colonel, I've initiated a war but it doesn't show for other alliance members. Other officers in my alliance have the same issue

3. Are the alliance battles randomly selected? What is the bonus points for winning the alliance battle? (25,000?)

4. Was the chat in the alliance war purposely disabled or is it a bug causing the inability to chat amongst members in the War?

Others, feel free to add to this list of questions so we can get clarification from the forum administrators.

Finally, I do like the Alliance War. It's the best update you've had since adding the boss battle. Now, just make the prizes worthwhile and allow gold keys to yield more UR units and you have yourselves one solid game
