After submitting tickets and getting nowhere, can I now ask on here what Gree are doing to resolve the issue of the game freezing during war on the ‘Connecting’ page, having to force close, which results in lost energy/gems?

This has happened for the last 3 x epic war. I submitted a ticket to Gree 3 wars ago. They responded in a less than apologetic way and told me it was resolved and that I would be given war energy as compensation. I wasn’t given war energy, I was given a lousy 20 gems as which is a slap in the face considering at some points I am losing 2 out of 4 energy on every refill and spending thousands of gems per war. And to add insult to injury, it has been happening ever since so clearly hasn’t been resolved.

It is not just me who has this issue, many others in #1 guild have complained of the same problem so I would imagine it is occurring across the board. I opened a second ticket during Voidwalker war and haven’t had a response.

Please advise what you are going to do about this Gree as it is costing not only a load of gems but also time which is highly frustrating when trying to get a good lead!