To the KnD Community,

As you know, x X x Danger x X x, as the war vehicle for the 3D Alliance, is just about to win the current Epic event, Vampire War. Thank you, for those of you who did, for your congratulations and support, they are much appreciated.

It has become clear to us during the war that many of you are interested in how we were able to pull off the kind of performance that we did – in some cases that was accompanied by the suspicion that cheating was involved. We can assure you that it was not the case, and welcome any investigation by GREE. The fact is, although some shouldered more burden than others, everyone did their fair share and more (all over 1,000,000 points), and that is how the "phenomenal" scoring was achieved. There were no excuses for all but one extreme case. You don’t need to speed hack to score 6 million points in a battle when 40 players each score 100,000 (which we all acknowledge is easily done) – multiply that by the winning bonus, and you have 6 million. We chose not to address this issue earlier during the war, nor say anything in particular for that matter, because following some unpleasantness at the end of recent events, 3D has embraced the challenge of playing in a clean, fair environment, free of nastiness and unfair tactics, and does not want to distract other guilds with taunting and accusations. We are proud to say we earned our victory honourably and through our sweat, toil, and hard earned money.

The success of 3D was the product of a lot of planning and saving on the part of players in our alliance, careful selection of proven hitters (no leeches or unknown mercs without true loyalty to the cause) and an esprit d’corp between our players that makes us more than mere guilds, but a family of friends. People had been sitting patiently in waiting rooms for the past two months, made holes in their work schedules, passed up lesser awards and bought gems at the cheapest possible prices when available. Alliance leadership had been discussing timing and strategy throughout the process. The last minute and evolving nature of this war almost derailed the effort, but it was salvaged by the commitment and sheer determination of our team, as well as the many, many strong member of 3D ready to put their hands up and participate. This is what every great team in the history of the world can accomplish, and it is what we did. May it stand as a boilerplate for any other alliance which wishes to attempt the same endeavour. We were a lucky Few, the 40 who did the run, but if not for the Many, many members of the 3D Alliance who supported us and participated in the strategy, we would have not succeeded. The Few were indebted to the Many, and owe their victory to them, and the support structure that exists between every member guild of 3D.

And at the end of the day, that is who we are – we are both the Few and the Many, no person any less valuable than the next, no matter their wealth or standing. We are the 3D Alliance – Determined, Dominant and Defiant – and we invite you to come and join us if you wish to be a part of what we do!

All the best, and with many thanks for your time,
3D Alliance Leadership

xXx Steel 3D - x X x Danger x X x GS/GC and member of 3D Leadership