just a thought....I figure by now you all have about 100000 units that are unused in your inventory....perhaps and this is just a suggestion.....gree should figure a way out to get rid of those units....or allow you to sell them or something...BUT be careful or mindful that some of those early units still have some bonuses attached to them...and you would not want them to disappear ....

the best way IMO is for you to be able to sell them.....like the dragon armies that everyone probably still has from two years ago.....

my long term point is this might help relieve the servers of data stores and free up some memory for the actual connection from devise to server....it might even improve your devises ability to handle the data better

not sure about this ...I am no computer wiz....I am sure there are others here that might be better to answer this thought

edit....100000...x how many players =?????how much data....just saying