Free vs Paid

I'm sure most people have or do play other mobile games out there. One thing that has really drawn to my attention in other games, is what one can do for free. Without mentioning other rivals games there are quite a number off good games that use "gold" as a way of progressing quicker. The free player can get there in the end if they work hard and the "gold" players can just pay to get there instantly, but the target is achievable either way.

However with most events that gree offer (whilst I played), it was not possible for the free player to complete many of the events.

Would it not be possible for Gree to revise there pricing strategies and target the people who wish to complete quickly while allowing events to be possible for other with time and effort?

Take crate events as an example (I assume they still run). If you built in logic that determined that the 10th open always gave the required item, that means that after 100 attempts (in a 10 box event) the the player would be guaranteed the prize. If this event spanned a time-frame that only allowed 130 attempts, then this could in theory play to both free and gold players.

These are just some of my ideas, I know that will probably be ignored but I would just like to put them out there. It would be nice if people avoided the typical response "Gree won't do it", "You wont get a reply" etc.. I see too many threads these days that ask for help but actually get overrun by others making non helpful posts