SEAL TEAM SIX - 565 116 462

Seal team six have been around from near the start of the game 18 months or so - we have been as high as top 40 but now due to activity issues we have dropped into the 300's.

We have over 40 active players but have a membership of 54 total places! With 14 places up for grabs!

I need new fun, active players to join our team and push back towards the top 100 - YOU must be active!

We have great bonuses listed below - min stats of 25 million - lvl 50 or above and again activity rules the day.

Casualty Bonus - 14%
Health - 30%
Air Attack +20%
Infantry Attack + 35%
Ground Attack + 35%
Sea Attack + 15%
Infantry Defence + 35%
Ground Defence + 35%
Air Defence + 35%
Sea Defence + 35%
Building Defence +35%
Build output + 35%
Guild plus 36

565 116 462 join today - don't miss out - our requirements will change once full.

tHe JeStEr x