We have lost another 2 players who have become disillusioned with the game. This takes out total to 7 players in the past 3 months who have quit the game and we have another that has been idle a month. The 7 I refer to have all definitely quit as they have sold up their hoods and communicated with us.All players were long term players and not fly by nighters. The common gripe has been the non stop events that are being made more impossible event by event, closely followed by boss triggering.

From a syndicate point of view this is really frustrating as we need to continue to recruit whilst at the same time try and keep up with trying to either trigger bosses, co-ordinate events and pretending we have a life outside the game. Throw in a few players like myself who also play Modern (or the like) and it's no wonder people are leaving in droves.

We need the pace slowed down a little, not a heap but a little. Uzi drop rates need to be rejigged as each event it's getting worse. I noted that whilst triggering bosses by hitting Carmen that not 1 uzi dropped last event, The prior event I averaged 8 uzis. On one device I could accept that this was unlucky but when i play 4 devices and not one drop on any it's plain to see there has been some tweaking. I can only assume that the rates have been tweaked elsewhere also.

I have also noted that my rivals list now has players 18 levels above me (i'm lvl 81) whereas last month all were within 10 levels. Seriously, rivals over 20% higher in game level?????? I accept being robbed/attacked is part of the game and have no issue with that but surely things need to be on a reasonable level playing field.
I won't go into the difficulties of boss triggering as I'm sure it will fall on deaf ears. last event was tough but a challenge. This event I noted it was even tougher. At one point it took me over an hour to trigger one. That's just plain ridiculous. Nobody should be expected to spend that much time for just a small piece of the jigsaw.

Please don't see this as sour g****s as I usually manage the 100 bosses with ease but not everyone has to charge their phone 2-3 times a day due to game play.

Not sure if a mod will bother replying let alone reading this but one can only hope . I'm sure this has all been mentioned before but hopefully with enough feedback something may get done. I hate seeing players leave the game as the more that leave means the end of the game is closer.