The Dev team must all enjoy standardized math test. I say this because with the new changes I have to work through a different math scenario for each action.

An example do I purchase air unit X with stats of Y given that I have air defense bonus of Z and air attack of Q. Also factoring faction bonus of L Atk & M def. To simplify use total Indy / faction bonus total attack = (A) and total def Indy and faction equals (D)

So unit
X total air attack = Y * A
X total air defense= Y * D

Compared to

S total sea attack... Rinse cycle repeat.

Not to mention do do I upgrade the infirmary to reduce the risk of losing cash unit C with blah blah stats or upgrade the LTE building to get 1 chance units and shift other upgrades by (D) days.

I digress. I'll just play and see how it goes.