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    Progressive Results from iOS Blitz War January 2014!


    Yeay it's over! We have a new king of the blitz wars, and it is Red Phoenix!!!!


    (ps. my guild still on the first page, teehee)

    ************FROM EARLIER**************************

    2014 is here KnD peeps! What is your new year's resolution?!?!?!

    Well it seems like GREE has decided to start the brand new year off with quick and friendly blitz war and we have some new faces at the leaderboard! There's still 12 hours of battling left!

    Dragon Slayers 2013! You came to the party one year late (teehee) but the guild has finally decided to to soar above the rest and shoot for the top, at 1.3 million points. Perhaps the Dragon Slayers have decided that they are no longer complacent with their consistent top 100 ranking last year. 2014 is a brand new year after all!

    Not to be outdone, the Red Phoenix are fighting back. Just a few hours ago, they held the lead for a good chunk of the day. In just 12 hours, we will find out what happens!

    Typical for blitz war, the scores are very close, and there aren't extremely clear divide between the various ranks. We have the usual rainbows that seem to be multiplying over the time, and the usual suspects.... but wait. There's a new name on the list - vendetta!

    Hehe. That's my guild which is the most awesome guild ever in my humble and very biased opinion .. and I can prove it with something better than numbers! We have some wonderful friends visiting and fighting with us (thank you Sparky and friends) and saying hello to you!

    Happy new year!
    Last edited by cafedecoy; 01-12-2014 at 08:05 PM.

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