Quote Originally Posted by Kaenath Pryde View Post
Location - NJ (USA)
ATT/DEF Stats - 20/20k
IPH - $5000
Influence Points - ?
Gold/Free - 0 gold
Syndicate I'm seeking -Top 500 willing to teach me
Reason you left the previous faction - Had no faction - made my own, had 1 player in it.

I currently have an account level 44 20 att/def each, with a hr income of 5000, 1.5m in the bank. was recently looking to join a syndicate and was educated on how for **** my stats were, and that I should look to recreate my account. was told to look for a top-500 to anchor into and really learn the ropes.

So here is my proposition: I have one ****ty level 44 account, and a second account that I am just starting to replace the first. I'd like to find a very involved group to learn the game with, and grow with. I am a very active player, checking in 10-20 times a day. I have a lot of experience with other games, from recruit to leader level (such as eve online, Battletech, diablo running clans with as many as 100+ peeps in them). I am looking to be a long-term player for any group that will accept me, as long as they stay strong, active, and most importantly, fun to be with.

If dedication, activity and participation is what you are looking for, then please consider me. I will not know everything at the start: I will help though in every way i can, and be there for the team when it counts.

Thanks for you time and consideration.
Hey, you sound perfect for our syndicate, Axmen! We are all very close, team oriented and can help you build up ur stats with some great pointers and bonuses we already have! I am the leader, we were a Top 600 syndicate but I decided to merge with another group and things went bad so a group of us went back to our original synd. to rebuild. Right now we only have 8 members but we have just started rebuilding! I built the original synd. From a not even Top 4000 ranked to a Top 600 in only 4 months and now I know a lot more about the game and already have great Officers who are also very devoted to our syndicate & willing to help out with recruiting and such! So if you join us now we can help u with ur stats and we'll be very strong again in No Time! We have a Perfect Battle Strategy and We are an ALL ACTIVE ONLY Syndicate! We do require ALL Members to use the Free GroupMe app, because Communication is #1 for being successful in this game! I hope to hear from u soon! If u send request ASAP you can even participate in the next Battle that starts at 11am PT tomorrow, It's 7:40pm now! The game does not allow any new members added during battles, so I'll need to accept your request before then if you want in this battle so you can get the rewards!
Here's my Mafia ID: 533-300-196
And here's the Axmen Invite Code: 694-596-338