What about Market Mondays? GREE can put units for sale that actually have value in the game. Here is my idea, similar to others, GREE put units from past events for sale. To keep it completely equal and not just polishing the back sides of those at the top, the units should be sold for either honor or gold. Since both have lost all intrinsic value this would be a great way to bring it back! We, you need to bring back all the value you can to this game. It would be old hat to sell units for gems and not really show any forward thought, honor and gold is the only way this will work.
The next idea is Truthful Tuesdays or Thursdays, which ever is better for GREE employees! You, the moderator will be completely honest about bugs, events and progress of the product you offer. If an event has not been beta tested, say so. Let us know there will be issues. Be forthright and let us know that you are going to sell orbs for honor and how many for how much. Remember we are trying to work together to better YOUR product. You can easily see that high ranking longtime vets are leaving, and for now it is the occasional player but that is how all flash floods start a slow trickle and by the time you have the ability and the will to fix it, it is too late and the dam will burst. We are partner is this thing, and it is on you to maintain a product worth returning to!