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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I confirm also freezing on attacking rival in his base.

  2. #32
    Procyon's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Don't think this has been added, but as well as having many of the ones listed (on IOS)...

    I don't shut out of the game and my iPad hibernates - when i come back to the game I don't get the money symbol above all of my buildings telling me its ready to collect. I mostly notice it with my Villa and AMR but that might be because they're the ones I'm most concerned about.

    I tap the building to see how much time I have before collection only to find it must've been ready because the tap causes the collection.

    If I were to close the game after hibernating the "ready to collect" symbols do appear.

    Thanks for starting this thead!
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  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Procyon View Post
    If I were to close the game after hibernating the "ready to collect" symbols

    I go to map and return to base to see collect button and "ready" symbol

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Procyon View Post
    Don't think this has been added, but as well as having many of the ones listed (on IOS)...

    I don't shut out of the game and my iPad hibernates - when i come back to the game I don't get the money symbol above all of my buildings telling me its ready to collect. I mostly notice it with my Villa and AMR but that might be because they're the ones I'm most concerned about.

    I tap the building to see how much time I have before collection only to find it must've been ready because the tap causes the collection.

    If I were to close the game after hibernating the "ready to collect" symbols do appear.

    Thanks for starting this thead!
    I added this as the most recent improvement, since it comes up if you go somewhere else first i think its more of a display issue than a major gameplay bug.

    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilator2 View Post

    I go to map and return to base to see collect button and "ready" symbol
    I was able to reproduce this as well. One trick I noticed is that you dont have to go to another base or map to trigger, if you click on one of the ready to collect buildings to collect it the collect all button will show up then as well. Thanks for confirming.

  5. #35

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    Jul 2014
    One more bug: increase/decrease allies count in PvP. All battle result screens (WD and PvP) are shows the same number for me and for rival independently on my and rival bonuses.

  6. #36
    NaRciS's Avatar
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    I have some top secret clown business that supersedes any plans that you might have.
    Iphone 6 - Current version MW - Current Version iOS

    - Game dies when trying to add either VIP or the 2 free allies.

    - 10% of the time the game will freeze on Pvp - you have to close the app and restart.

    Ipad - current version of MW and iOS

    Game crashes often when starting, raiding and in the frontline event - it seems when there's to much going on the game just hangs, when this happens - 90% of the time I get kicked to the iPad desktop screen although the game is still running - you can't switch back to the game by double clicking the home button - You have to shut the iPad down and restart.

    I would honestly say that I have had more problems since the update.
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  7. #37

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    Ios 8.0.2 iPad mini 16gb

    -can only view 20-25 of faction members stats before app crashes and sends me to ipad menus
    -occasionally when starting MW, screen is dim (locked) and a tap anywhere on screen brings up the store menu
    -occasionally the 'collect all income' icon will not appear until an action is taken (even a tap on a building will correct it)... Also occurs on iPad 3 64gb
    - building upgrades do not show as complete until building clicked on or game restarted (bot iOS devices)

    Improvement: a game log would be nice to be able display text of splash screens which may have been missed (among other things)
    Last edited by Bluehavana2; 12-28-2014 at 01:53 PM.

  8. #38

    Join Date
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    One more bug: kills are not counted in faction goal

  9. #39

    Join Date
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    Somewhere in Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluehavana2 View Post
    -occasionally when starting MW, screen is dim (locked) and a tap anywhere on screen brings up the store menu
    -occasionally the 'collect all income' icon will not appear until an action is taken (even a tap on a building will correct it)
    - building upgrades do not show as complete until building clicked on or game restarted
    confirmed. with iPad 2 and iPhone 4S (Both devices with iOS 8.1.2 and MW 5.0.1)

  10. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Atego View Post
    confirmed. with iPad 2 and iPhone 4S (Both devices with iOS 8.1.2 and MW 5.0.1)
    Thanks for the reports and confirms. I think I've added everything again to the first post. Considering tomorrow is Monday I'm REALLY hoping that Gree can begin responding to each and every one of these with a status on a fix. We've done half of their job for them as a community and responses on many of these topics are way past due. We deserve answers.

  11. #41

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    Quote Originally Posted by andy2 View Post
    I may be wrong, but I think the stats are often wrong. So you see something, but it isn't accurate. Can you confirm this, I'm happy to update that item if my wording isn't valid. We should be as specific as possible for gree.
    When I open the goal folder to see the reward, I see the real stats but no picture and no boost. When I receive the item (like after completing LTQ and after frontline) all units won show stats of 2000/2000.

  12. #42

    problems with os

    is anyone also having problems with modern war for OS? its taking forever to log in the game and it hangs when you attack another player. what to do????

  13. #43
    Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rafael77 View Post
    is anyone also having problems with modern war for OS? its taking forever to log in the game and it hangs when you attack another player. what to do????
    iOS? Yes load times are quite long, on my oldest player I did finally delete and the reinstall the app because I had an almost 5GB dataset. Once nuked I'm down to a couple hundred mb and got back the space. Loading isn't that much faster.

    As for crashing, notice this is a big problem on older devices such as 1st gen iPads and 4th gen or older iPods. They crash as soon as I attack the raid boss so only fix is to link to a faster device if you have it or can. Still haven't tested the link other device feature but hopefully today.
    Last edited by Agent Orange; 12-29-2014 at 06:38 AM.
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  14. #44

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    Add allies and get booted from the app. This is on iOS.

  15. #45
    Kefa's Avatar
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    Number 8 under improvements and game hanging on startup message windows is a splash screen failing to load its graphic, probably the one about purchasing old LE buildings for a limited time. Tapping where the action button is or where the X is will cause the game to proceed.

    PvP: iOS - Along with Bugs #8 - some iOS accounts are completely unable to attack in PvP. The game hangs on the screen where the doors come together and never completes the attack cycle. The only way to proceed is to force close the app and relaunch it. It may be a once in a while issue for some, but for a few people on my team it's every time and PvP has been broken entirely for them since 5.0 was released.

    Raid Boss: Global - Sometimes the server doesn't seem to recognize that a boss has been completed and forces the 2hr time clock to run all the way down before proceeding. It doesn't show up any longer under the "select boss" tab, and the summon button for that level boss remains missing from the summon tab. After the 2 hour clock runs out, the completion splash screen appears, and the summon button for that level reappears.

    WD Leaderboard: Global - The points and positions shown on the leaderboard before and after the final battle are not consistent. In our final battle we faced a team who was ranked 3 spots below us going in, and both of us fought hard. We won the battle with more points than them, yet somehow they finished the event ranked 3 spots above us even though they were ranked below us before the final battle and we added more points to the board than they did. It's as though the leaderboard credited them with our points and us with theirs.

    Building Construction: iOS - New building construction sometimes continues to appear as still being under construction even though it's complete, even with restarting the app. Tapping on the building shows it as level 1 with xx:xx time remaining until collection and has the upgrade button, and tapping the upgrade button and starting a new upgrade causes it to show correctly. Other than doing an upgrade, the only way to get it to appear correctly is to wait until it's ready to collect, then collecting it will update the graphic to appear correctly.

    Equipment Inventory: Global - was this on the list? We need a way to see in our inventory how many of each equipment piece we have for our army.

    Edit 1:
    Raiding: iOS (global?) when raiding another player, veiwing their profile showed they have 6.3B defense, but when actually raiding a building the results show they have only 4.1B defense. Yes, composites factory was in tact.
    Last edited by Kefa; 12-29-2014 at 10:16 AM.
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