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  1. #16



  2. #17
    Reversal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The Netherlands
    This isn't the place nor the platform to make a post like this.
    People on the forum are entitled to their own opinion and she has every right to so just like you do.
    Taking personal matters to the forum is a whole different story however.
    Leave your personal issues in your chats and convo's instead of involving others to it who don't care or have nothing to do with it.

    Making a post like this is just showing that you're super desperate to prove a point no-one really cares about and calling drama upon yourself further, that's not what this forum is for so leave it out.
    Last edited by Elita; 09-28-2014 at 07:26 PM. Reason: Sorry Reversal. I completely agree with you and removed the quote from your post for the protection of the person in question

  3. #18

    New Member

    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
    We have been receiving a number of reports from users about other users coming in and posting in their Guild Recruitment threads. We would like to set some guidelines and expectations about what is and is not allowed when posting here, so that there is no misunderstanding.

    Given the nature of this particular sub-forum and Guild recruiting, there are some additional expectations and rules. Please review and follow all of them.

    1. All threads/posts MUST follow the Forum Code of Conduct. Those that are found to go against the CoC will be removed and or locked, and users may be banned.

    2. A thread is allowed to be bumped, so as to bring it to the attention of potential new recruits, but ONLY AFTER IT HAS DROPPED OFF THE FIRST PAGE.

    3. Additionally, do not bump a thread multiple times in a single day and then delete previous posts so as to make it look like as though this did not happen. This may result in your account being banned.

    4. You are allowed to post in threads of other Guilds as long as those posts are neither, derogatory, negative, or libelous in nature. Please do not spam (multiple posts similar in nature posted in a short span of time), and please follow the Code of Conduct (this includes no personal attacks or inappropriate language). Those posts that do not follow these rules will be removed and accounts may be banned if the behavior proves repetitive.

    5. Please post with your main forum account. Do not create a secondary account simply to heckle/harass folks. That account may be banned. If you continue to create additional accounts for this purpose, your IP may be banned.

    These rules/guidelines may be updated or changed at any time, so please continue to check back on a regular basis.
    I am not sure if I understand the rules. I am to share a thread with this monstrosity.

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by B Legit View Post
    In order to start a thread you must have commented on 15 posts. After commenting on 15 times on threads, give it a couple of hours and you access the ability to start a thread.
    Thanks this really helped

  5. #20

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    London, UK
    Thank you B Legit, that helped. I believe I can now start a new thread

  6. #21

    Good info

    So 15 comments on posting just to make a post?...

  7. #22

    Chat room/ moderator

    Is there openings for moderator for chat rooms.

  8. #23


    so we need to reply to 15 different post just so we can make a post

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by B Legit View Post
    In order to start a thread you must have commented on 15 posts. After commenting on 15 times on threads, give it a couple of hours and you access the ability to start a thread.
    Thanks for this clarification... Looked all over for this info.

  10. #25

    Just trying to open posting pages

    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
    We have been receiving a number of reports from users about other users coming in and posting in their Guild Recruitment threads. We would like to set some guidelines and expectations about what is and is not allowed when posting here, so that there is no misunderstanding.

    Given the nature of this particular sub-forum and Guild recruiting, there are some additional expectations and rules. Please review and follow all of them.

    Post five times to open. This is number one. I'm being asked to write more so I'm writing more. Here it is this is more.

    1. All threads/posts MUST follow the Forum Code of Conduct. Those that are found to go against the CoC will be removed and or locked, and users may be banned.

    2. A thread is allowed to be bumped, so as to bring it to the attention of potential new recruits, but ONLY AFTER IT HAS DROPPED OFF THE FIRST PAGE.

    3. Additionally, do not bump a thread multiple times in a single day and then delete previous posts so as to make it look like as though this did not happen. This may result in your account being banned.

    4. You are allowed to post in threads of other Guilds as long as those posts are neither, derogatory, negative, or libelous in nature. Please do not spam (multiple posts similar in nature posted in a short span of time), and please follow the Code of Conduct (this includes no personal attacks or inappropriate language). Those posts that do not follow these rules will be removed and accounts may be banned if the behavior proves repetitive.

    5. Please post with your main forum account. Do not create a secondary account simply to heckle/harass folks. That account may be banned. If you continue to create additional accounts for this purpose, your IP may be banned.

    These rules/guidelines may be updated or changed at any time, so please continue to check back on a regular basis.
    Trying to Open posting. Post five times.

  11. #26


    So am I correct by my understanding I need to post 15 times on other threads to post a new one?

  12. #27
    Rookeye's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    at the gate
    Yes. You can participate on the game threads (off-topic) without violating the spamming rule.

    Now back to topic.


  13. #28


    Thanks for the thread info!

  14. #29

    nice post

    Thanks for the post

  15. #30

    thanks for the info

    Thanks for all the information in one section

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