ITT: We tell the noobs about how things used to be so hopefully they stop acting so dumb.

Back in the day we used to dream about the day we'd reach 35k attack/defense so we could get the Golden Grenade Launcher and the Golden Gatling Gun like all the elite players. This was extremely difficult for people who didn't buy limited edition gold weapons, and loot drops such as the pimp's lowrider or the rocket launcher. It was kind of lame, but some people took the easy route of increasing their attack by buying consumable explosives that increased your stats by 30/0 or 0/25 at the cost of hundreds of thousands of in-game cash. There were no events. There were no prizes. You built a city, upgraded your buildings, and attacked people.

It was a simpler time. It was a better time. We did map jobs to try to find cool loot drops and talked about what we found on the forum. (well, others did. I was just a young noob lurking for hints) Then came the dreaded M4A1, but that's a tale for another day.