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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Lightbulb [Feedback] What Additional Sub-Forums Would You Like to See?

    We are continually trying to improve the user experience, both in the game and here in the forums. A number of folks have mentioned that they feel particular forums are cluttered, thus making it difficult to find the information you need. In an effort to keep the forums clean and organized, making it easier to gather important feedback, and provide you with relevant information, we are open to adding additional relevant sub-forums.

    If you are interested in seeing additional sub-forums added to the War of Nations forum, please let us know which one(s) and why you think it would be a good idea. We will only add ones that make the most sense, so please keep that in mind when making suggestions.

    Now hit us with you best shot...GO!

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
    We are continually trying to improve the user experience, both in the game and here in the forums. A number of folks have mentioned that they feel particular forums are cluttered, thus making it difficult to find the information you need. In an effort to keep the forums clean and organized, making it easier to gather important feedback, and provide you with relevant information, we are open to adding additional relevant sub-forums.

    If you are interested in seeing additional sub-forums added to the War of Nations forum, please let us know which one(s) and why you think it would be a good idea. We will only add ones that make the most sense, so please keep that in mind when making suggestions.

    Now hit us with you best shot...GO!

    In game?? I know if would be nice to see what events are coming up some taking time to prep for and I don't mean once the event has been posted. It takes longer then that to prep.

    On here it would be nice for all the event announcements to get removed after a week or two. I goes back months and months.
    Also it would be nice to have a forum of what things GREE is fixing in the game or how about a forum of oh player ideas... People put up and idea and it's voted on by other players that we want in the game and GREE actually does it... 90% of the ideas people come up with here are improvements of this ONCE great game we all loved and spent hundreds of hours/money on. I see people leaving the game left and right from this. For example GREE had a box glitch a while back, no big deal mistakes happen everyone (almost everyone) got all the ltms from that glitch. GREE let us keep them which was the right thing to do since it was on their end. Fast forward to next box event and people could spend 600 plus dollars and not make the ltm.because of That little scandal I watch people just drop the game some of who I know spend thousands on it. Can't you see GREE we will like this game but your killing it and fast. Why don't you put an admin or two in each world and just look at the morale of the players and see what your doing first!

    Hope this comment is listened to.
    -BigBadWolf- W30 Whiskey_Tango

  3. #3
    I imagine a lot of people would like a "S**t Gree does* section where they can vent about the s**t that Gree does.
    I've started a new War of Nations wiki, help out with it:

  4. #4

    What we would like to see

    Hi Clementine,
    I understand that you are relatively new here, so from what I have seen on the forums, the overriding request has been for somebody to answer questions that have been raised, especially relating to the
    1 build ltm timings
    2 player placement in the previous independent build
    3 ridiculous amounts of gold need to get an item in the last box event

    So how about rather than creating problems that don't exist ( I haven't see too many people refer to a cluttered forum as their major issuse with the game), you simply reply to these questions that are very important to the players, rather than just ignore the threads.

  5. #5
    Whats the point of sub forums when Gree just ignores what is posted anyways?

    If the developer ignores the customer forums serve no purpose whatsoever other than to remind us all the Gree only offers lip service to customer service. They probably spent more time on the changes to the font with this most recent update than actually bothering to address the players frustration with limiteds being all over the place, inside and outside of the actual build event where they belong
    Last edited by The Mad Hatter; 08-09-2014 at 12:17 AM.

  6. #6
    "your ideas that we at gree are going to ignore"

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by W25-VENOM View Post
    "your ideas that we at gree are going to ignore"
    I thought that was the whole forum already

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
    We are continually trying to improve the user experience, both in the game and here in the forums. A number of folks have mentioned that they feel particular forums are cluttered, thus making it difficult to find the information you need. In an effort to keep the forums clean and organized, making it easier to gather important feedback, and provide you with relevant information, we are open to adding additional relevant sub-forums.

    If you are interested in seeing additional sub-forums added to the War of Nations forum, please let us know which one(s) and why you think it would be a good idea. We will only add ones that make the most sense, so please keep that in mind when making suggestions.

    Now hit us with you best shot...GO!

    Due to the lack of response from you and the rest of the mods at Gree, sub-forums are not necessary here at War of Nations.

    What we do need is some feedback on issues and suggestions that we post here. I don't even care if you don't give the answer you think we want to hear...just RESPOND for #$#%#^'s sake. Let us know you're reading and that someone might actually take into consideration our concerns and suggestions.

    The #1 issue for players that I can see right now is LTM timing. Nothing is making players in my world more angry and frustrated than that.

    Whoever thinks that setting the UV bar as high as they are--challenging even when the LTMs were predictable--and then making the start times completely unpredictable--whoever thought that was a good idea is insane.

    Maybe you're tracking some different metric other than player satisfaction that I can't think of, but if keeping players around is a goal of this company you seriously need to reconsider your overall approach to the customer.

    It's not hard...come can do it...type some words.

  9. #9
    Bottom line is that Gree doesn't acknowledge the existence of complaints, they think if they ignore the players problems with the direction the game has taken that they will just go away. This may be true, especially if those of us with complaints decide to go away.....

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Sub forums ? Really who cares we all just want some customer service and to be heard and treated fairly , get that right and then do the add ons , though I'd u get that right no one wld care abt anything else as we wld be busy SPENDING & PLAYING IN GAME !

  11. #11
    Drifting death's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Death to Ming

    To be very hopeful and constructive (which I have very little left in me, from the lack of feed back).
    Sub forums / sticky. I lean on sticky's
    1. Ideas short list (the admins pulls in any ideas gree likes so they can be discussed by the forum)
    2. Ideas for new events
    3. Interface tweaks and improvements.
    4. General game play.
    5. Give any ideas gree like, there own sticky, this will encorage players to comment and work on an idea. That have a possibility of getting in the game. This in its self will encorage more players to use the forum as it shows we may have an influence on the game over time.
    6. A list of times for the events in a sticky, or its own forum. within that players can give feed back on the order and timings of the events. This events list should be as long as possible. this also encourages visitors to the forum.
    Last edited by Drifting death; 08-23-2014 at 01:44 AM.

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Seven days since this was posted....and NOTHING heard from Clementine.


    War of Nations keeps slipping down the top grossing App chart....wonder why?

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I used to be consecutive but iv been coming on here for modern war with my old account and won since I started abt 14 -15 months back and I am fed up with being constructive for no feedback at all

  14. #14

    Android forum

    I'd like to see specific the Android version of WoN, it's almost impossible to find any information on updates and new improvements coming to Android. To be more specific we'd like to know when GD is being released and when we are receiving new updates.
    Thanks, sCatman-w1

  15. #15

    Breaking immunity

    I resently was opening creates and accidently opened a base shield. I was in the proses of capturing a 34 so I broke immunity right after I opened it. It was a extended base shield that I opened and even though I didn't use it I had to wait for the 72 hours shield would have been there and 144 hours for the cool down prosses. Not cool

    Would gree put a conformation button on base shields please it's to easy to accidently open a base shield. They cost a lot so I hate to waist them.

    I emailed gree to try to get my shield back but no response.
    Last edited by Cmoney1000; 09-13-2014 at 12:37 AM. Reason: Miss spelling

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