It's better than nothing, I wouldn't expect them to discuss unreleased content, we all know their stance on that.
Let's see what the future holds for the game
It's better than nothing, I wouldn't expect them to discuss unreleased content, we all know their stance on that.
Let's see what the future holds for the game
VFF Legends - Retired - Finally seen sense !
Thank you Katrina and Daniel. I understand that there are many uncertainties such as timing of changes, details to modifications etc. and if you were specific, i.e. specific release times and specific changes that if it did not go as scheduled the help desk and forum would light up with complaints. The inventory sort in CC will be welcome here and I'm sure it's coming soon as well as the mass collection button in MW will eventually be in CC. I understand the challenge to please the majority of customers and at the same time be profitable. While there's a lot that needs done it takes time to develop, test, and evaluate modifications to assure they function properly.
Others have not agreed but I think this questions session was positive and I appreciate the responses as it at least lets us know your working on the issues that many customers are concerned with. Thanks Gree!
I'm happy they have listened to an issue that has been continuously talked about.
Personally I look forward to the time we can use a feature to clear our unwanted units we have had cluttering our inventories for too long now.
I would suggest an option to sell them for a fraction of their original worth say 20-25% and that option to be cash/valour and gold units.
This will allow us to get some of the cash/valour/gold we have spent on units that are useless now because of stat inflation.
This should include gold LE sets etc we have purchased previously that are worthless now but still cost 1000-1500 gold at the time.