The speaker doesn't define abuse, the person described does


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Thread: The speaker doesn't define abuse, the person described does

  1. #1
    Consistent Contributor
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    The speaker doesn't define abuse, the person described does

    When we came up with these we actually drew from all the different games GREE has and the different characters in each game. This includes characters from Fantasy games (trolls, gremlins, minions, etc.), War games (general), and High Crime games (boss, consigliere). We paired these with various words that mean "talkative" because that is what we are all doing here on the forums, talking and engaging with one another. These titles are not intended as insults, but rather a fun way of showing just how active you are in the community.

    Clementine's words.

    You call us names- you insult us. Then you tell us it's not an insult. You sound like the Washington NFL owner defending the derogatory term 'Redskins'. This is abuse. It will cost you my refunds from iTunes.

    Why don't you leave this thread open? Amazing...

  2. #2
    Articulate Author
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    I concur. This was an idea that probably sounded better in the conference room meeting than what has happened.

    You can attempt to explain it or rationalize it any way you want. But this is a PR fail.

    You could have used better titles that don't defame the user. The implications of the words you chose to describe users on this forum is defamatory and degrading.

    It is not the sender of the message but the receivers that matter.

  3. #3
    Consistent Contributor
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    Please step back from comparing the plight of being jokingly nicknamed "Motormouth" for a few posts (Clementine is also labelled a "Motormouth", by the way) to the wholesale slaughter, abuse, enslavement, racism, and near-genocide of hundreds of different tribes composing countless THOUSANDS OF REAL HUMAN BEINGS, and then cheerfully naming a team who plays their national pastime after a derogatory, racist name used against all who had suffered, fought, and died, even literally with their bones long-forgotten underneath the foundations of the stadium that the game is played upon.

    You are literally insane. READ SOME HISTORY, you over-privileged, first-world-problem-having narcissist. And never speak again. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Verbose Veteran
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    Your just overly sensitive. Put your big boy pants on and get over it. And go Washington Redskins, even though I'm a niners fan.
    Last edited by Dirty Mind; 08-06-2014 at 06:18 PM.
    Former Gree supporter and defender.

  5. #5
    Prominent Poet bam bam.'s Avatar
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    I do think we have enough threads on this one already. I'm all for this one being locked too.

    I will just add your not wrong.

  6. #6
    Community Manager
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    Please keep discussion to the main thread, as requested. Locking this.

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