Ranked 300 with only 30 hardcore players. Right now we are looking for a group of 20 members that wanna join us. Our syn code is 468 088 369 if you want to look wich bonusses we got. Hope to hear from you!
Ranked 300 with only 30 hardcore players. Right now we are looking for a group of 20 members that wanna join us. Our syn code is 468 088 369 if you want to look wich bonusses we got. Hope to hear from you!
LZK is now recruiting for active and daily players. We are a top 150 syn looking to break into the top 100. We finish the Epic and Raid Boss events. Our only requirements are that you participate daily, help out on the SLTQs and like to have a fun time and watch your stats grow. If you looking for a new syndicate and that sounds like you come and join us we use LINE to communicate. Invite code is 119826106 my code is 342749793. Look forward to hearing from you.
Fight Respect Payout +35%
Jobs Payout +25%
Car Attack +25%
Car Defense +50%
Building Output +50%
Melee Attack +25%
Melee Defense +50%
Gun Attack +25%
Gun Defense +50%
Armor Attack +25%
Armor Defense +50%
Explosive Attack +25%
Explosive Defense +50%
Hideout Health +50%
Hideout Damage +25%
Influence Increase +45%
Syndicate Member Increase +40
Bump to top. We are NOT want to move to another syndicate. Thanks
The Undead severely needs members.
It's a new syndicate.
Here is the code if anyone is interested
586 311 218
Start one by yourself please
Last edited by Royston; 08-06-2014 at 02:04 PM.
We still are looking for a group off 20 that will join our group. Got lots of bonusses and with only 30 active players we ended top 300. If interrested come take a look at 468 088 369.
Hey we are a group with name Emf Swat a top 300 syn want to merg with you but we Will be very happy if you guys Could come to us you Leader wil be 2nd Leader too hope you Will please pm if you guys want
We dont wanna move. You have to come to us if you want. How many players you have?
bump bump bump
Bump bump bump