I need clarification. With what you are doing to Raid Bosses and Faction LTQs, are you telling us not to do it? Please clarify mod, and if so, we will all take a break. Badly needing one after the way the Raid Bosses had gone over the last few days.
I need clarification. With what you are doing to Raid Bosses and Faction LTQs, are you telling us not to do it? Please clarify mod, and if so, we will all take a break. Badly needing one after the way the Raid Bosses had gone over the last few days.
Gree should just shut this game down so we can de released from our misery, events has become unplayable, next thing they would do is to also destroy WD LOL!
Hey Apollo,
The idea of adding an additional quest to the events is to help high level players continue to have a challenge. The event as a whole is built for players of all levels, which means we need to include those high levels as well.
With that being said, what suggestions would like to make to keep all players interested at all levels?
Agreed this is becoming a sick joke.. the energy fequired for current fltq and the rewards areant that good. To complete either part to pestige requires money... whatever happened to making it possible to complete with a little gold??? Now break out the vaults every event..... gree is committinggame suicide
You have got to be kidding me. Taking an event that the top400 factions are able to complete threw teamwork and sleepless nites. To make it funner for those even fewer top what 50???? Your gonna ruin it for anyonne lower???? What were you guys thinking seriously????? Read your own forums to keep your top 10 percent your pushing the other 90 percent to give up. Look at your number guys even on current ltq and box event i bet your numbers drop even more....i do use gold so do the members of my faction but yyour making that purchase a waste... your actions are showing me if i dont want to spend at least 500 a month on this game i wont be able to compete... and this game to me isnt worth it
The problem is that Gree is constantly throwing events after events at us, all requiring vaults of gold to complete. Let the players have a couple days or even a day between events to relax. The current formats that Gree is using is pushing more players into retirement and causing the current gold players to spend less because of the overload of events. I could be wrong, Gree could be making more money than I am guessing, but seeing some people on the rivals lists that were former top players in their factions "blowing up" their bases makes me think otherwise.
If the events are built for players of all levels, how is it possible for a low, mid level player able to complete or nearly complete any of the LTQ's, boss (epic or raid) or box events without dropping a few (lightly put) vaults to do so?
Tadaaah. Lower the gambling (chance loot, crates, scratchers, etc) from the game. Back to the good ol days of missions and war. Stop raising the bar after each event. Allow us to catch up once in a while. Have some events completeable for half a vault. Fix the inventory (allow us to sort it, most recent, atk stats, def stats, alphabetically) . Allow us to kill crud units (like the ones I'm getting most days from scratchers). On the chance events like crates tell us the odds and stick to them. Ur chance for item 10 should b the same as item 1 so we don't turn our kids into problem gamblers. Kill off full assault. Lower the cost of a vault. Remove the apple/itunes tax that exists in some countries (Aus we have $130 vaults). Give us info a month in advance of game changes. Put that info in game not on the forum. Better rewards for WD n base the game around that. Allow us to search our allies. Listen to the community. Everything ive said in here has been yelled at you guys for over a yr on here, n we r watching MW slide down the earners list. Beta test properly. Don't release new events till all ur old bugs r ironed out. B more transparent with ur progress on hacks n hackers. Have mods/admins/devs free play the game. Lower upgrade times. Treat us with respect. Lower xp gain on ILTQs. Give folders for raid boss when we RAID. jus b transparent and honest.
Last edited by bam bam.; 06-04-2014 at 02:58 PM.
Suggestion? You don't listen to anything we got to say. This forum is full of suggestions and you don't listen to anything. Keep driving yourself out of business.
Suggestion 1: fire CJ - he has no idea what's going on with the game.
Suggestion 2: fire people who turned this fun game into junk over the last year.
Suggestion 3: make everyone at gree play the game so they know what's going on with the game
Suggestion 4: hire competent people
Suggestion 5: Fix Customer service don't keep giving us this gernic replies
"Thanks for contacting GREE Support! We apologize for the delay in reply to your initial ticket request. Please let us know if you are still experiencing an issue in-game, and if so please feel free to reply to this email. One of our specialists will be happy to assist you.
If the issue has since been resolved, please feel free to disregard this email.
Best Regards,
GREE Support"
More than a month after the ticket was sent in!!!!!
Thanks for the suggestions. Granted I meant suggestions for this specific event; the feedback is welcomed. There are definitely some great suggestions here. Just to check that I'm hearing you correctly, to summarize:
1. Increase information
2. Try to push information earlier
3. Put time between events
4. Play the games (which I can tell you that we do play).
2. in game info. Not here on the forums
3. We have time between events because unless u r SUP or OSW or top10 u cant afford to finish events n if u dont get final prize it's not worth doing event at all so we already have plenty of free time
4. Free play the game, that's where it was fun back in the day. Where spenders had an edge but hard working addicts who free played had half a chance. It's no fun if its spend spend spend all the time. When u played monopoly as a kid, can u imagine paying to play every roll of the dice?. That's where we r at. Correct info.
And competent ppl as one of the fellas stated earlier would be a joy
Last edited by bam bam.; 06-04-2014 at 03:12 PM.
615,000 energy to complete fltq goal 9/10 normal chain.....seriously too much. Or better put 8 vaults worth of energy. Sure SUP & OSW have a ton of energy mods to assist them but us lower factions don't. Thanks for the middle finger.