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Thread: CJ54

  1. #16
    Verbose Veteran The_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOracle View Post
    I tried to read the post. I really did. Didn't get much from it.

    Suggestions for future posts:

    1. More line breaks
    2. Fewer empty big words
    3. Evidence for statements
    ... how dare you. blame the 'murican educational system

    Assault & Flattery made the signature above. She will be missed.

  2. #17
    This is, without a doubt, the sweetest and most eloquent troll letter I have ever gotten from a player*. Thank you for taking the time to write it Torgue, I appreciate the thoughtfulness.

    *It's possible that Dipstik matched you with a similar one a long time ago, but still, tied for first in my heart.

  3. #18
    Prominent Poet Captain Torgue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJ54 View Post
    This is, without a doubt, the sweetest and most eloquent troll letter I have ever gotten from a player*. Thank you for taking the time to write it Torgue, I appreciate the thoughtfulness.
    You're welcome

  4. #19
    Master of Musings TZora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    Good god, for the luxury of that much free time, Rome could be built in my backyard.

    WTF is wrong with some people?
    LOL so true max
    btw it's fun to see mods playing along than just hammering the thread
    Last edited by TZora; 05-20-2014 at 09:28 PM.

  5. #20
    Master of Musings TZora's Avatar
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    and with that said, i have a letter for CJ54 too ...

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.


    umm that's all

  6. #21
    Master of Musings mxz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJ54 View Post
    *It's possible that Dipstik matched you with a similar one a long time ago, but still, tied for first in my heart.
    I think you're confusing Dippy with someone else. Dippy is not a long winded gentleman, but rather a subtle, intelligent, and tactful artist in his craft.

    Comparing him does a great disservice to an honorable and respectable troll by tarnishing his image with the likes of a wannabe.

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  7. #22
    Verbose Veteran
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    might also hold the record for sheer word count in a post. perhaps dropping a couple pictures next time. since they're worth a thousand words a pop...
    Pagoda no good.

  8. #23
    Master of Musings
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sleazy_P_Martini View Post
    might also hold the record for sheer word count in a post. perhaps dropping a couple pictures next time. since they're worth a thousand words a pop...
    I'm pretty sure Big Shotty came close or better in a post in-game
    "The Tokyo Rose of the Trailer Park"

  9. #24
    Master of Musings
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    Here we go...

    Here it is ��THE BOOK OF LIFE��

    *THE mighty 500 will be chosen!! They will lead the way and write new chapters in the Book of Life. Let anyone who reads this know, that during the times of Hate and Snitchery many will be banned in the Mid Wicked West Mob for baring the mark of (MWWM) and for being pure in their approach of playing the game...
    *THE first 500 recorded in the Book of Life are Elite and Supreme Leaders of the (MWWM) and they have the right to Branch off and Move our mob in any direction they see fit. They are the only ones in the Founder's Mafia Family and they are the only ones notice in the Book of Life. None shall pass baring the mark of other nations only the mark of (MWWM).

    *ONCE the first 500 have been chosen a new leader shall rise. One that has been elected by the first 500 to carry out the new chapter in the Book of Life*
    (THE NEW BREED) this promoted individual who has branched off will then establish another ruthless 500 and record their names into the new chapter. The new leader who's name that has not been given until given by the Founder will have the Book of Life...
    (THE NEW BREED) displayed on their page. The book must never be copied by other members or displayed on any of their pages...
    *THE only records that are true and to be upheld are posted on the Founder's page and the elected new leader. All those who have remain true to the (MWWM) hold these words as truth and see that the new Hand of our Nation is Pure and Righteous in all ways to the Mid Wicked West Mob.

    *1000 strong we stand Crime City will never be the same again. During the times of Hate and Snitchery the Bonds that held us as true will be deceived and corrupted. Only the Honored and truly Loyal to the (MWWM) will remain. They will never participate in idol talk or recognize the ones who so pathetically turned to conniving and selling out others in a game...
    *FOR everyone knows A Coward will die a 1000 deaths and a true (MWWM) soldier will die only once!*
    *THOSE that have been proven real in the fields, tags will never be dropped or persuaded to be removed. There will be no question to their authenticity or where their commitments lies amongst us!*
    *ETCHED out of realness and admired amongst masses eternally Immortal are you... And for those that have strayed confused in turmoil and weak from within. They will never be remembered or mentioned in a higher light. Vacant and useless are they. Non factors to the movement and hardly a voice to be heard. Cast aways to be seen as a remanence of what is no more...
    *MANY have came only few have been chosen. The second wave Lead by the Second Hand of (MWWM) will caused such an uproar that other players not affiliated with the (MWWM) are scrambling for new recruits, reporting falsehoods to have more (MWWM) banned or trying to relive and duplicate what can't be done by anyone else all in the name of greed, jealousy and envy...
    *WE now enter into the times of Evil and Deceit. How can such a crew with so many generals and branches under one rule get any stronger? The answer to that question will emerge by an even greater power than the first 500 of the Mid Wicked West Mob...
    *ONE who has been selected by the entire 1000 true and official members of the (MWWM) A new Hand a new Leader and a new Chapter has begun in the Book of Life (THE ALLIANCE)*

    *HAIL to the Two elected Hands of the Mid Wicked West Mob! For they are the most recognized and respected amongst all in the family! Immortal is who are they!!! Only the second promoted individual will carry the third chapter of the Book of Life*
    (THE ALLIANCE) on their page.*
    *NEVER to be copied or posted by anyone in the family. Except the Founder and he or she who's name and title that has not been given. This new Hand of our mafia familia will reach out to other crews and form an Alliance amongst other families and only recording their highest ranked leaders into the Book of Life (ALLIANCE) Like our family 500 must be chosen no matter if the ones chosen are at War with the other ones chosen...*
    *WE choose no sides! Our alliance offers two things things and two things only and that is Respect & Immunity....

    *NO member of the Mid Wicked West Mob will rob or attack any in the Book of Life (ALLIANCE) Or you will be removed from the Books of Life permanently.*
    *FOR all those who can see, know that these words are bond and ties us all to the same truth. The Mid Wicked West Mob is for life!!
    "The Tokyo Rose of the Trailer Park"

  10. #25
    Verbose Veteran
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    thats pure gold right there!!!
    Pagoda no good.

  11. #26
    Steady Scribe Forever Infamous's Avatar
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    Hahahahaha Brilliant sis!! I remember that dribble

    Always have been

    Always will be

  12. #27
    Prominent Poet Captain Torgue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxz View Post
    I think you're confusing Dippy with someone else. Dippy is not a long winded gentleman, but rather a subtle, intelligent, and tactful artist in his craft.

    Comparing him does a great disservice to an honorable and respectable troll by tarnishing his image with the likes of a wannabe.
    bro do you even lift?

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by sister morphine View Post
    Here we go...

    *ETCHED out of realness and admired amongst masses eternally Immortal are you... And for those that have strayed
    Lol look at that
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rorschach139 View Post
    @ CCKalDAY: Thank you!
    Quote Originally Posted by therealbengie View Post
    thanks CCKallday
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty Larry View Post
    I wish I could punch this thread in the face

  14. #29
    Consistent Contributor hexie's Avatar
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  15. #30
    Master of Musings Max Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxz View Post
    I think you're confusing Dippy with someone else. Dippy is not a long winded gentleman, but rather a subtle, intelligent, and tactful artist in his craft.

    Comparing him does a great disservice to an honorable and respectable troll by tarnishing his image with the likes of a wannabe.
    Truth times 1 million

    Quote Originally Posted by TZora View Post
    and with that said, i have a letter for CJ54 too ...

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    This could be fun! How about arabic?


    Translate from: English

    أنا لست قصيرة على الكلمات ، لذلك يرجى أن تضع مع طول هذه الرسالة . أولا و قبل كل شيء، كان محاولة pouty CJ54 ل بناء استجابة خلاقة ل رسالتي السابقة يرثى ​​لها تماما. حقا، CJ54 ، التوتير معا حفنة من السكتة الدماغية solecistic و الثرثرة تبدو عشوائية لا يكاد EFFECT . ببساطة في الإثبات بما لا يدع مجالا للشك أن المعرفة هي المفتاح الذي فتح أغلال العبودية. هذا هو السبب في انه من المهم بالنسبة لك أن تعرف أن أرى مدى أهمية المشين ، الصخب لبق CJ54 هي ل أمير المؤمنين ، و أنا أضحك . أنا أضحك لأنه إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا هو روح الدعابة أو مبالغ فيها ، كنت على خطأ . الأول، عنيد المتهكم هذا أنا، وجدت أن بعض CJ54 اختيار للكلمات في الحروب الصليبية له لم يكن الألغام. على سبيل المثال ، ولقد استبداله " بتلف الدماغ " ل " ultraphotomicrograph " و " حشريين " ل " phoneticogrammatical ". الحقيقة يسىء ، أليس كذلك ، CJ54 ؟ كان لي محادثة مؤخرا مع بعض prevaricators المجرد الذين كانوا يحاولون تكثيف الكراهية السباق. تلك المحادثة أقنعني بأن مدمن CJ54 لشعور السلطة، لفكرة السيطرة على الناس . للأسف ، وقال انه لا يوجد لديه قلق حقيقي من أجل رفاه أو مصير الشعب الذي يرغب في أن تؤدي .

    CJ54 المصلين في توظيف التقنيات المتقدمة بعناية من المواقف النفسية لل تأثير الثقافة السائدة نحو أي بيئة أو النشاط وهذا هو الغالب cacodemonic . في التوصل إلى هذا الاستنتاج ، لقد جعلت من الافتراض المعتاد وهذا بالتأكيد يكون وقتا عصيبا في محاولة لسبب مع الناس الذين ما زالوا الهدوء عندما يرون CJ54 ضمان تدمير أي شيء وهذا يبدو وكأنه مجتمع حيوي . وقد أعلن هذا CJ54 انه التدريج الثورة ضد كل من يريد إقامة التغيير. في CJ54 مقززة على ما يرام؛ على مرأى جدا منه يتحول معدتي. جميع المزاح جانبا ، إذا كنت نظرت إلى أعلى " السم - تنفث إلى ل النواة " في القاموس ، وكنت أرى شعار GREE ربما. أنا أسمي هذه الظاهرة " CJ54 حركة التضامن الدولية ". يمكن أن يقال نفس من اللاعقلانية ، pillocks مؤذ . المشكلة هي ، إذا كنت من النوع الذي يجرؤ على التفكير ل نفسك ، ثم قمت بالفعل قرر أن CJ54 يعتقد أنه من الجيد أن قناعاته ربما تضعف الروابط الأسرية . فمن الصعب معرفة كيفية الرد على مثل هذه القيم في غير محله تذكاري ، ولكن دعونا نحاول هذا: أخطط لعرقلة قوة الانقلابيين أبله مثل ذلك. هذا هو خيار لقد جعلت ؛ اختيارك هو متروك لكم. ولكن اسمحوا لي أن أذكركم بأن CJ54 يصر على أن يعرف قيمتها الفردية على أساس العرق أو الإثنية أو الدين ، أو الأصل القومي . آسف، CJ54 ، ولكن ، مع الاعتذار ل غيرشوين ، "ليس بالضرورة كذلك . " أنا آسف إذا كنت قد حصلت قبالة قليلا المسار هنا، ولكن لو كنت النسغ كاملة ، كنت أعتقد أن خط CJ54 الدولانية يمكن قمع الكراهية والفوضى في مجتمعنا. لسوء الحظ بالنسبة له ، وسوف ندرك أن CJ54 لعبة الشطرنج لا خبرة له - واصلت لفترة طويلة جدا - على السخرية فائقة المغرور الشطرنج. حان الوقت ل هزم هذا النشل كريهة و تظهر عليه هذا المنضبط و أدواته . مثل مطرقة أو بلطة ، فهي ليست شريرة بطبيعتها أو المدمرة . الشر هو في القوة التي تعالج ويستخدمها لهم لأغراض تدميرية . أن الشر هو CJ54 ، الذي يريد شيئا أقل من تمجيد fatuitous الفنانين باك أسرع وقت الشعارات nomological اللياقة .

    CJ54 هو تماما منقط . نحن جميعا ، إلى حد ما ، لكنه يحدد المنحنى. كما قلت في الماضي ، ' ق المتعاطفين مع الإصرار CJ54 CJ54 ويمكن أن تحقيق اهدافه من خلال السلوك ودية و المعنوية . أقول لهم ، " تثبت ذلك " - لا يعني أنها سوف تكون قادرة على ، بالطبع، ولكن لأنه في كل مرة يحاول CJ54 ، وقال انه يحصل الناجحة على نحو متزايد في محاولاته لفرض بعض أن يعيشوا وفقا للمعايير التقييدية لا ينطبق على غيرها. هذا الاتجاه الخطير يعني الموت ليس فقط للفكر الحر ، ولكن للخيال أيضا. يجب علينا أن يغرس في القارئ روح فضولي و الشكوك حول المعتقدات CJ54 هذا الأختام المدربين أمرا مفروغا منه. كما ذكر أعلاه، Howevere ، وهذا لا يكفي . فمن الضروري أن تفعل أكثر من ذلك. فمن الضروري لجعل الجواب CJ54 لل مخالفات له . أغمض هذه الرسالة على نفس المنوال افتتاحه على : النباتات CJ54 أدلة كاذبة إلى التورط بجريمة على خصومه

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