Why would you carry out this update (to artwork??? who cares about artwork!? ) in the middle of an event.

You have cocked this up massively.

I am now in an alliance that I wasn't in before.

I have missing units.

Missing commanders.

Missing items.

A whole days work queueing for LTQ gone.

A whole days worth of work levelling commanders and strategically placing units gone.

30 armies permanently deployed and not returning.

You people are completely incompetent.

Why would you do this in the middle of an event?

You don't even have the decency to update your customers about what is happening.

I imagine a lot of people will be deleting this game and contacting apple for a refund after this one.

Well done idiots. And well done letting your customers know about the down time and what you are doing to rectify the problems you have created.

If you worked for me I'd be handing out some P45's for this.