Recruiting! LA Resistance, top 150: NIGHT SHIFT PLAYERS NEEDED!
All but 3 bonuses. We have finished all raid bosses and epic bosses.
50 players with strong stats, mixed levels, Good cashflow
Group me chat for organized battles(required) 25K IP required in battles.
B team for building and rotating players in when needed

ETF, top 1000: 73 Bonuses, 29 members, Groupme(required) No IP requirement.
We are looking for players that fight hard and stay active, gold optional.

Donate what you can to help build the team.
Be prepared to talk trash and be able to take a punch, there's no room for
sissy's here, no drama queens, we are here to have fun and kick ass!
LA Resistance: 393293516. OPEN Elite Task Force:329497196. OPEN