just curious to see how many people finished the event
No - ran out of time
No - boss was too strong
just curious to see how many people finished the event
Muj- L193 - IPH: 12.2M
DiENoW - L95 - IPH: 5.1M
either you have a lot of gold or you spend a lot of time.
This Epic Boss is a perfect balance. DO NOT change it, Gree
It doesn't end for another day...
But anyway pretty much every truely active player in my synd is already finished
yes on all 3 accounts
Indians....Fight One Fight All....
Indian Nation Looking For Bullies...
Still in, fighting level 66 at the moment for free. I can't buy gold as I've sideloaded onto Kindle.
Don't think I'll finish as it costs too much in in-game cash at the moment to justify the rewards. But it's been good to get the rewards this far.
Level 75 player, 500K attack.
I finished this morning
Bananas are the best.
What does having gold have to do with anything if I AM spending a LOT of time, but can't even trigger enough bosses to get to the point where gold is necessary. It must be nice being able to trigger bosses often enough to make it to 100. I, and a LOT of others, simply can not. Anyone who knows me knows that I spend way too much time in this game. I put all the effort that I usually spread over 3-5 accounts getting to 100 onto one account. I played at work. I played for 6-10hrs a day at home. I'm currently trying to trigger boss 63. The event is simply impossible to complete, regardless of gold spent, or time put in.
lol... yeah. I've tried all the "tricks". They don't work for my L250 or my L156 or my L88 or my L52.
Hit carmen x10, then deposit cash and refresh the rivals list. Then attack, then refresh rivals list. Then do some SLTQ jobs. Then rob someone's NCs. Then deposit cash. Then Restart CC. Then do some SLTQ jobs. Then hit Carmen x10. Then deposit cash. Then let the phone sit there for 5 minutes. Then attack someone. Then restart. Then attack someone. Oh, there is a boss, finally... and 20 minutes wasted. Wait 5 minutes. Repeat.
That's 3 bosses/hr x 7hrs a day of nothing but CC x 6 days = 126 bosses, and that's Not counting the times when no matter what I do a boss won't trigger for 30min. Yes, at random the boss comes up after 5 minutes and two attacks, but that is rare. I'm finally on boss 70 with one account. I've never before gotten less than 3 accounts over 100. I know how to play this game.
So, please tell me what I was doing wrong. Maybe playing a GREE game and expecting an event to work right for everyone?
Your phone wasn't held in a 34.7 degree angle to the North-East.
I have 3 accs, 1 isnt finishing at all, mini is barely at the finish line because the boss doesn't summon and my main is very close.. The summoning annoyed me, all my rivals have the prizes and I didn't have the time this week to stare at 3 devices for hours expecting a boss to show up..
Muj- L193 - IPH: 12.2M
DiENoW - L95 - IPH: 5.1M
3 to do on one account, and 2 on the other. Six hours 45 left. Next hit in just over an hour
"The Tokyo Rose of the Trailer Park"
Agree summoning has been a real pain this time. I wouldn't mind it not coming out first time if there was any kind of consistency but there isn't. Some times the boss appears after one or two hits and sometimes you can spend five to ten minutes attacking, robbing, hitting Carmen with no luck. Since I've been taking five hits and then have to wait 100 minutes to refill I get the next one out anything up to an hour before I'm ready so no time wasted.
"The Tokyo Rose of the Trailer Park"
Agree that summoning has been a pain as well as frustrating. Im on 98 so will finish it shortly.