Quote Originally Posted by partcrash View Post
Actually mentioning "rules" and "third world countries" in the same context can be achieved only by sitting on your couch or on the can tapping a phone.

There are no rules in a war. Actually there are as long as you are winning. Once you start losing or the thought of losing crosses your mind- there are no rules. And don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
There are very clear rules for war as set out in the Geneva convention. The British armed forces also have very clearly defined Rules of engagement. I am sure that the armed forces of most countries that have signed up to the Geneva convention also have clearly defined rules of engagement. There will always be examples of people who feel the need to flout these rules as they seek to further their own, often selfish cause. These people, when caught, are prosecuted as war criminals as they have broken the rules (laws).

As I said before this is just a game, but there are some here for whom it seems to be all consuming and will spout whatever random bile they chose to justify their actions.