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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Thumbs up Suggestions thread for Gree

    Some suggestions for Gree to make this game better

    1- Make this game affordable. Seems Tons of gold is now needed to complete missions now. Need to scale this back to a reasonable level Gree. Most of your customers such as myself only want to buy Gold only for war.

    2- Better match ups during war.

    3- Maybe create a two tier war where factions 1- 300 are put together and 301 to 600 are put together for a different tier champion and so on.

    4- Provide health, stamina buildings to generate bonus time.

    5- Reward those customers who are at a lvl 300. I have one in my group and he stopped buying gold as he will only collect like 125 points per hit at war time. This needs to change. Once you reach a lvl 300, you should get more pts on a hit, no matter who u beat. Etc.

    Please do not troll here, hopefully Gree will listen to some of the suggestions.


  2. #2
    SPWD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Agree with all of the above,also give us information for what we are supposed to do and what we will win BEFORE we get the event,I believe you don't do this because you expect us all to go in guns blazing spending gold like it's going out of fashion,WAKE UP,WE DONT DO THIS,we wait for a walk through etc .
    If you did this we would appreciate it( you do it in your other games).

    Inventory organisation ,I've got 32500 units to look through for god sake.

    Fix the god damn bugs!

    Search function for allies.

    Increase points for hitting the command centre in the war.

    Reduce the swing in stats for wins/losses it's Ridiculous.

    Reduce the number of bosses,WE DONT WANT TO BE ON 24/7 we will leave!

    Carry the boss kills over,or everyone just collects money and comes back when the event starts!

    Put in more boss levels 0-25,26-50,51-100,101-150,151-200 etc.

    Reduce the energy requirements for ltqs,surely 1000s buying a vault is better than a few buying 10.

    Vault upgrade or reduce amount of attacks possible

    Make android be able to zoom out the same as iOS or just more for both.

    Il think of more.


  3. #3
    Reduce the energy requirements for ltqs,surely 1000s buying a vault is better than a few buying 10.
    This, but for all events; not just energy dependent. Gold buying is all about disposable income. There are far more middle class people than upper class.

    Raise max amount of money taken when attacking a player that is over-vault to $600k or so per attack.

    Give us multiple concurrent building upgrade bonus.

  4. #4
    SPWD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    We should keep this at the top and maybe do a list and copy and paste other ideas instead of loads of the same posts

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Ok. I'll gather everyone suggestion and then make one email to gree outlining what we suggest. So keep them coming guys.

  6. #6
    alaskavet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    it would be nice if the guys rank was on his profile picture. The rank tells me how much the person plays the game and can make a difference when reviewing request to join the faction.
    Player ID 713308788
    Faction ID 429770000 US Marine Corps
    Semper Fi

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2012
    You should be allowed to fill up your energy with more than 1000 at a time when using gold. This is a pain when your targets are high energy and you have to keep refilling 20 times!

  8. #8
    John 719166364's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Good thread. Eliminate the tiers, you should not be penalized for completing missions and gaining XP.
    "To have fun and do the best we can. The Sindicate is a collection of players that strives to better themselves while having the best interests of the team at heart." - lwrcspr

    SINDICATE 948240115

  9. #9
    If they can have sales on gold, it would be nice if the amount of gold we had to use would be discounted also. Instead of taking 25 gold bars to refill health, why not make it 10-15? I'm sure a lot more people would buy gold during war if it lasted longer.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Keep the suggestions coming.

  11. #11

    Don't fix what ISN'T broke.

    I really enjoy modern war. I DO buy more then my fair share of gold. I can't play modern war 24/7, I have a family I'd like to keep. The second war every month NEEDS to go. If I dedicate every other weekend to war, I won't have a family long. Please remove bimonthly wars and return to monthly format. Bring back the PvP event! I finally have enough stamina to make a splash in the PvP event and you stop having them!!! Am I the only one that thinks 2 wars a month is one too many?

  12. #12
    Thread about base art reminded me...

    Add roads as a decoration!!

  13. #13

    Why people play games???

    For fun of course. Spending ones last $10 worth of disposable income to finish a high level of an ltq and getting a paltry amount of cash and some xp(IE garbage) is NOT fun. Gree, you're not actually manufacturing the planes, boats, tanks, soldiers you give out as rewards for events. It costs you no more to have happy players then to tick players off which makes them move on to OTHER games which deliver a higher fun to dollar ratio. STOP KILLING THE GAME. GET RID OF GARBAGE LEVELS ON LTQs

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I see a new "suggestion" thread every week. I can almost guarantee every single thing you guys come up with will be ignored like they always are. And I certainly dont think an email will do anything to help, as their support team is literally almost non existent. If they reply to your single email, and continue to ignore my 10 transfer emails, then I give up and ill eat my hat.

    Mr. Rope | Lvl 41 | 700k/814k

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by CobraStrike View Post
    I see a new "suggestion" thread every week. I can almost guarantee every single thing you guys come up with will be ignored like they always are. And I certainly dont think an email will do anything to help, as their support team is literally almost non existent. If they reply to your single email, and continue to ignore my 10 transfer emails, then I give up and ill eat my hat.
    Still, these threads carry similar themes that are important to the community. The more we express these ideas, the likelier one is to catch on. Gree does read these posts, so if a few of these concepts start and/or continue to build momentum, perhaps one gets rolled in; pending it's within Gree's capabilities (of which heavy programming may not be). If the people reading this sprout the same idea over and over at every staff/group meeting, maybe it sinks in. Some managers do have thick heads...

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