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Thread: Misses!?

  1. #16

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    Rng and selective perception are a bad combination. Try to take a note of every miss and crit you and your opponent make in the different areas (eb, Arena, gw, friend battle) of the game. It will even out in the long run and its the only thing that adds a bit of luck to a rather dull "rock,paper,scissors" combat. Although i must admit that i almost smash my iPad from time to time because the misses infuriate me :d

  2. #17

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    If I was playing for free I'd agree, but I don't think missing 4 times in a fight against a noob in big 4 should be something I'm PAYING for

    If they're charging me for a fight , I should be able to win every time if I have Intel on enemy armor and lineup.

    And mine are superior

  3. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dianish View Post
    Why play a game if you win everytime? There is no fun in knowing the outcome of every fight.
    Agreed, if there is no miss/critical. The game would be boring because I know that I will always win every single time.

    Winning 95% of my battle makes it boring sometimes. losing abt 10% keeps it interesting. feels like u still need to improve. if u win 100% of the time. lol u'll get bored and find a new game.

  4. #19
    Lonestar Light's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paladineguru View Post
    If I was playing for free I'd agree, but I don't think missing 4 times in a fight against a noob in big 4 should be something I'm PAYING for

    If they're charging me for a fight , I should be able to win every time if I have Intel on enemy armor and lineup.

    And mine are superior
    What he said
    I'm not complaining having misses is a bad idea, having unbalanced missed tho is a terrible idea.
    If a level 100 knight fight a level 70 knight the lower level knight would and should have more chances to miss that the higher level, not the other way around

  5. #20
    I believe the misses were increased, but i think our opponents are missing more too. We just remember the times we feel cheated more than the times we lucked out. This does help middle of the road players more than the elite though. So i can beat someone in all epics with my EB+'s but they dont have anyone above them to get lucky against. (Maybe elemental mismatches they should have lost against)

  6. #21
    The Pale Rider's Avatar
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    Missing and critical hits increased because of the streak feature in the arena. I've noticed it balances out over time (but I don't care when it doesn't effect the outcome - so you tend to remember those match ups). But greater variance means you'll fail to reach 20 in a row more often. That's also where it matters the most. An extra loss in a GW is easily rectifiable. A loss on 16-20 in the arena really sucks. When I don't make it to 20, 90% of the time it's because I lost on 16-20. It's super frustrating to lose a match-up at that point due to misses or your opp getting multiple critical hits in a row (or both).

    Given that 100% of the time you are using gems to reach 20 in the arena - that's where the p2p complaint really applies.
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  7. #22

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    Not just the arena ,the epic boss do allot of cirtical hits , and I miss 2 or 3 times every "single attack or battle " .. That didn't happend before ..
    Danish , with all my respect you didn't get my point that why I will not arguing with you , but see that you will understand maybe or maybe not !!!
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  8. #23
    not sure here but it might be a problem with using a pseudorandom number generator (a algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers) and not a Hardware random number generator.

    What i see most of the times is that misses come in packs - means there are several misses. Not only you but also your opponent.

    This leads me to the suspicion.
    If numbers are thrown without enough time in between, PRNGs tend to throw equal or similar numbers.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by shush View Post
    not sure here but it might be a problem with using a pseudorandom number generator (a algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers) and not a Hardware random number generator.

    What i see most of the times is that misses come in packs - means there are several misses. Not only you but also your opponent.

    This leads me to the suspicion.
    If numbers are thrown without enough time in between, PRNGs tend to throw equal or similar numbers.
    Has anyone proposed a new hit/damage system where the damage u hit and receive is dependant on the health of the knight? So if the knight was at full strength he/she would do full damage and a knight at low health would only do minimal damage? Of course this would mean the knight who hits first would always have a greater advantage but that's what is happening now anyway...maybe the first attack should be random, say decided by a coin toss or something...

  10. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah 101 View Post
    Not just the arena ,the epic boss do allot of cirtical hits , and I miss 2 or 3 times every "single attack or battle " .. That didn't happend before ..
    Danish , with all my respect you didn't get my point that why I will not arguing with you , but see that you will understand maybe or maybe not !!!
    Rank changed every minute ..
    No one is argueing. I understood your point aswell as i understand all the hype about misses. But removing it will ruin the game even more. I lose over and over and over duo to misses. Its frustrating. But still its needed - Something a player cant cheat hi's way around. Missing is good. Ofc they could decrease it abit but i'd rather see them not doing that but instead making a new elixir to decrease it by a x% which will only last that one fight or in total of 5 minutes or something.
    LvL: 438 - Bandroid
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  11. #26
    Dianish are you f*cking crazy? The misses are annoying as hell. You're offering a suggestion to Gree to create elixers (that would undoubtedly cost gems) that would make people spend even more money? Just so we can protect our streak that we've already paid gems to maintain?

    You don't know that you're going to win every time because gear in this game changes every few weeks and old gear becomes slightly outdated less powerful as they release new gear. You don't know what elemental combo your opponent is going to have either in most cases. Misses are not needed. If you win it should be based on who put in the most work and has the best gear. Period.

    Nothing more frustrating then getting screwed out of a win/kill because you missed 3 times in a row and then got crit.

  12. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Lancelot View Post
    Dianish are you f*cking crazy? The misses are annoying as hell. You're offering a suggestion to Gree to create elixers (that would undoubtedly cost gems) that would make people spend even more money? Just so we can protect our streak that we've already paid gems to maintain?

    You don't know that you're going to win every time because gear in this game changes every few weeks and old gear becomes slightly outdated less powerful as they release new gear. You don't know what elemental combo your opponent is going to have either in most cases. Misses are not needed. If you win it should be based on who put in the most work and has the best gear. Period.

    Nothing more frustrating then getting screwed out of a win/kill because you missed 3 times in a row and then got crit.
    Seems like you didnt read my post all the way through. I feel the same pain as everyone else. Guess my point flew over your head. You have your opinion and i have mine. Either are valid opinions. So.. Have a good one
    LvL: 438 - Bandroid
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    Favorite question:Why do you even keep playing KnD?

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  13. #28
    There is an old saying that goes well here, "luck is just probability taken personal" when a lot of players play a repetitive game that is based on probability some will experience sick things. People who play online poker knows what i am talking about. If you have a big enough sample of fights whether it is arena, epic boss or guild war, sometimes you will run worse than you ever thought possible!

  14. #29
    Lonestar Light's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dianish View Post
    Seems like you didnt read my post all the way through. I feel the same pain as everyone else. Guess my point flew over your head. You have your opinion and i have mine. Either are valid opinions. So.. Have a good one
    I understood perfectly your point but after reading Black Lancelot's post I read it again and understood why he got it the wrong way... guess it's the good and bad of reading text on a screen.

    During the most recent war I lost against a guy with 2 uncommons and an hydra not in even in the final stage, I will let you draw conclusions on how many times I had to miss. That is unrealistic.
    It's not unusual for your knight to have streaks of 5+ misses in arena and EB while I never saw an opponent nor an EB miss more than twice.
    Misses and criticals are needed to spice things up a bit. But common sense, realism and fairness are needed also. And it can't be this unbalanced

  15. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonestar Light View Post
    I understood perfectly your point but after reading Black Lancelot's post I read it again and understood why he got it the wrong way... guess it's the good and bad of reading text on a screen.

    During the most recent war I lost against a guy with 2 uncommons and an hydra not in even in the final stage, I will let you draw conclusions on how many times I had to miss. That is unrealistic.
    It's not unusual for your knight to have streaks of 5+ misses in arena and EB while I never saw an opponent nor an EB miss more than twice.
    Misses and criticals are needed to spice things up a bit. But common sense, realism and fairness are needed also. And it can't be this unbalanced
    Its definitely needs a new algorithm, thats for sure. I have banged my head against the wall out of anger so many times aready.

    I have seen the EB miss 4 times at the most and my self 7 times in a row. Lost with 3 epics to a non maxed Big Four player. I have lost EB kill 60/60 several times becauseof it. Once i even used gems to get to 60 and guess what.... I misses and lost and wated the gems. I can go on forever. We all experience this.

    My previous point was this: Why remove it entirely when it needs to been improved instead?

    It's easiere, duuuh... But it'll just ruin the game further.
    Last edited by Dianish; 12-15-2013 at 03:20 AM.
    LvL: 438 - Bandroid
    Activity: Barely due to Gree's incompetence
    Armors: I hear Gree laughing at us.

    Favorite question:Why do you even keep playing KnD?

    Guild: LvL 75 Conquering Knights (Members 2x/40)
    Bonuses: Fire 10%. Spirit 10%. Earth 10%. Air 10%. Water 10%.

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