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  1. #1

    Alae Caelestia - a top 50 iOS guild

    'Heavenly Wings'

    A guild for active, hardcore free players and light spenders. We have demonstrated great strength in the most recent war and expect more as the guild grows.

    Founded on: August, 21 2013

    Guild level: 44
    Guild Master level: 11x
    Guild Sentinel level: 12x
    Guild Champion level: 11x

    8% fire, airspirit, water, earth
    We upgrade our boosts according to the epic boss elements.

    27/31 members (if you'd like to join, spots may be available upon request through Line. If you use, you're more likely to join)
    UPDATE: Many members have become in active over the last 2 wars and have been removed as a result

    1. Level requirement: 80
    2. Activity - If you're below level 100, we check your leveling progress weekly. Members level 100+ tend to just chat with everyone on Line about how they're going with epic boss, etc.
    3. Line Messenger (add GM: Alae.alitia or GS: doanut2503)
    4. Guild war participation - gem spending is not required but you need to use your free energy regularly or risk being kicked.
    FYI: There is no gold contribution minimum required. Our members freely donate as they please.

    What we need to know about YOU! Screenshots of the following:
    1. Points and number of battles fought in the most recent guild war.
    2. Best armors (include unmaxed)
    3. Your Castle
    4. Ability to get to level 43 on EB

    Guild War Ranks - currently our priorities are set on big wars with great rewards, not blitz
    Ranked #172 in Battle of the Beasts guild war
    Ranked #110 in the Fusion Fighter's Blitz 2
    Ranked #129 in War of the Damned
    Ranked #42 in War of the Wicked
    Ranked #157 in the Fusion Fighter's Blitz 3
    Ranked #250 in Holiday Havoc
    Ranked #270 in Winter War

    Yes, our rank has fallen but we're aiming to get new members so we can get back to our ranks from before.

    NB: HC positions are given according to the top scorers after each war.
    Replies on line may not be instant. Replies through the forums may take longer. If you desire a position our guild, patience is required.
    Last edited by Alitia; 12-14-2013 at 06:18 PM.
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  2. #2
    Currently have 1 spot available~
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Behind you
    Can I join?

    Top 3 armors.
    Guardians battlegear maxed
    Dark princes royal+ 51/70
    Armor of the infernal lord+50/70
    Need a guild.


  4. #4
    Meepo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Will_Treaty View Post
    Can I join?

    Top 3 armors.
    Guardians battlegear maxed
    Dark princes royal+ 51/70
    Armor of the infernal lord+50/70
    Sure, just add Alae.alitia on line messenger. She will take care of your application.
    Itherael - Level 1xx
    *Net *Poof *Poof *Poof *Poof *Blink *Poof *Net *Right Click *Net *Right Click *Net *Right Click...

  5. #5
    1 spot available.
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  6. #6
    Work hard, u could find the last strong ppl

  7. #7
    Do well in ur guild

  8. #8
    full but should have another spot when guild levels up after this blitz
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  9. #9
    Member left for better opportunities..
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  10. #10
    Levelled up.
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  11. #11

    I would like to join

    My name is "je kele veder", i am level 45, want to join an active IOS guild....
    is it possible to join you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Alitia View Post
    Levelled up.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by je kele veder View Post
    My name is "je kele veder", i am level 45, want to join an active IOS guild....
    is it possible to join you?
    As our requirement says, you have to be level 80. Feel free to contact me if you wanna join our guild when you've met our level req.

    Last edited by Alitia; 11-17-2013 at 01:05 AM.
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  13. #13
    Member seems to have broken his ipad so he won't be joining us for a while so 2 potential spots available.
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  14. #14
    Removed some members because they broke their ios device and don't know when it'll be fixed =/
    3 spots available for grabs!
    Alae Caelestia
    Food =3

  15. #15
    I'm on every day and I do verry good in guild wars, but I'm level 45 I have 2 four star armours, I know quiet a bit about the game.

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