Quote Originally Posted by BigMoney View Post

If I did not truly intend to quit, it would have been quite easy to have dropped a ton of mafia, not give an whiny prick a direct link (or 100) to my hood, send a ticket to GREE to have my buildings undeleted, and continue playing as a free player or whatever (under a different name). But I didn't, and I haven't. It's quite liberating to be free of the game, and only open the game when you feel like hurting iteachem's feelings. But alas, even his BigMoney nightmare will be
Lol... Haven't hurt my feelings at all just calling you on your bull**** plain and simple. I actually feel quite sorry for you based on your comments about me on wall. I imagine you have a lot of hate in you to jump straight to the kind of disgusting behavior you did when I called you out about retiring. You care way too much what people think about you lol

Quick call DFA to tell big loser iteachem posted again ....