Suggestions for a better Crime City - Page 4


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Thread: Suggestions for a better Crime City

  1. #46
    Consistent Contributor
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    The level increase to 300 and new respect point items that I have heard about would be bangin about now

  2. #47
    Steady Scribe Go4Seven's Avatar
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    Ability to bank your gold; to prevent accidental gold spend. Leave it in the bank until you are ready to use it.

    There was a recent thread about having a confirm button before spending gold. I'd like to prevent accidental spend, but the confirm button would disrupt game play too much. This would be much cleaner.

  3. #48
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    Forum/donation log

    I'd like to see the syndicate forum separated into two logs/forums, one a donations log and the other for chat. I'd also like the chat to have an option to post to chat board only or to all team member's walls (Officer's only).

  4. #49
    Consistent Contributor The Toe's Avatar
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    Boy with all these big time changes I'm almost embarrassed to say one thing that has bugged me since I started play on the Android (works fine on IOS) is when you click on a building to Rob is says Loft - RobSmourf's Loft, can we just get a space after the Rob ????

  5. #50
    Consistent Contributor ant1greeny2's Avatar
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    -Buildings bought with respect & pay out cash
    -Personal bonuses (like Syndicate bonuses)
    -LTB's are always available, but the prizes for constructing & upgrading are only during the normal limited time
    -Increase level cap/no level cap
    -Syndicate hood (only leader can edit it, but everyone can view it & everyone gets their fair share of the cash)
    -New tier in war (top 2500: 4000-1500 is a huger tier, my Syndicate ranked 2000-1800 last 2 wars & only benefit from 1 useless prize!)
    -Side quests in PvP Showdown (win x number of fights in a row)
    Last edited by ant1greeny2; 10-10-2013 at 10:09 AM.

  6. #51
    Consistent Contributor Laelia's Avatar
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    the leader board during the syndicate wars:
    faster more frequent refresh
    show more detail between intervals (like in the pvp tournament leaderboard)

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigb4456 View Post
    Take off the ten percent when you bank your money...... allow othwr players to donate to other players
    Not to be blunt but these are probably right up there with the worst ideas I have ever come across for CC.

    None stop begging for money!
    Everyone would have amazing hoods!
    What would be the point of attacking people if they had all their money banked always!?

  8. #53
    Supreme Scholar Dipstik's Avatar
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    To be honest, 30k isn't worth a stamina point anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by murf View Post
    Dippy, may be a little harsh in this thread, but he's right...
    Still mad at Bostick.

    I'll be back when the moderation is reasonable. Enjoy the forum you created, Gree.

  9. #54
    Steady Scribe
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    Aside from being able to sort your inventory. Show the stats of your items with the modifiers applied. Would be cool to see that on the fight screens.
    Silent Assassins

  10. #55
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    out with the cheaters

    New to the forum but have played since the beginning. As a daily player it is obvious who cheats and who is spending gold. Out with the cheaters and we can all play a better game

  11. #56
    Verbose Veteran
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    Eliminate gold bonus program completely. That would make things more fair and benefit 99% of people who play this game. So many players buy one vault per month (myself included) which probably adds up more than a few folks (at the top) that buy a huge chunk once every 3 months like Vito suggested. That also drives up the total gold needed to finish events which again hurts 99% of folks who play this game. Also, can someone please get all those quitting threads off page one please. They do nothing to improve the morale and gameplay for the best phone game ever!!! CC isn't a dying game lol 'big spenders' need to come back down to earth where 'us' pheasants reside.

  12. #57
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    I think that you should be able to See opponents stats from the rival page without having to go to their hood it would save time

  13. #58
    Articulate Author Dat Guy's Avatar
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    Fix the Android display issues. I am tired of trying to guess what the opponents stats are so I can report back to my syndicate during wars. I can never tell what the stats are on an item when I go back to my inventory. For instance when I go to my inventory and look at my Klout's Nerve Toxin shows up as 8 Attack and 80 Defense.
    And if I can only have 500 mafia members why do I need 5000 weapons. Give us the option to sell off old useless inventory items.
    Thank you.

  14. #59
    Articulate Author panty sniffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigb4456 View Post
    I think that you should be able to See opponents stats from the rival page without having to go to their hood it would save time
    Definitely!.. That would be a HUGE time saver especially during PVP. It would help players a lot who have a difficult time finding good rivals. IE. High stats

  15. #60
    Verbose Veteran
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    -Give stats of weapons when given as prizes
    -organize inventory( by stats, or alphabetically, or by order obtained, something, just not totally random)

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