08-09-2013, 07:40 PM #1
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[Guild Recruitment Android] One Post per Thread - August 2013
Welcome Knights!
Before you post, please note that spamming is not acceptable and those post will be removed. That being said, one post will be sufficient to be fair to everyone.
If you are a guild that is looking for members, here's your chance to market and feature your guild for guildless players to join!
HIGHLY ENCOURAGED: Create a Guild Banner that's no larger than 600 x 100 px (width x height). Make sure to include your guild banner, guild name, and guild level.
Please be sure to include the following information to make it easier for your fellow knights to find/recruit you.
Friend Code:
Knight's name:
Knight's level:
08-09-2013, 08:45 PM #2
Legends And Lore - A new android guild
Currently 3 Slots available to regular players !
Hello android users!
Good day for us all!
"Legends And Lore" is a newly created guild for android. We welcome all types of generally active players. Gem buying is in no way a requirement or expected. I would like to focus on getting epic boss wins every week for everyone.
Founder: DG Magneto
Founded Friday August 9th, 2013
Guild Level 14 currently on August 11th. 15/18 players
I am open to using Line messenger communication app if anyone is interested
My in game Name : DG Magneto
Level 105, Active player.
Please PM me with your Game code if interested, thank you.Last edited by DG Magneto; 08-11-2013 at 11:45 PM.
08-10-2013, 08:07 AM #3
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Guild Templarios - Brazil
Brasileiros de plantão que jogam na plataforma Android. Estou criando a Guild Templários. Interessados, comentem com nome, código e level. Sou Jardak, lvl 76.
08-10-2013, 10:33 AM #4
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Android Guild House Of Storms
My wife and I have started a family friendly guild.
House of Storms
We are still low level but completeing quests quickly.
lvl 11+ because its not that hard to get that high.
Knowledgable about the game
My friend code is wbb cgv hxw
if anyone is interested.Epic: Northerner's 99/99, Forgestone 99/99, Snowstorm 99/99, Arclite 99/99, Stalwart 99/99, Beastmasters 99/99
EB +: To Many to List
Android User WBB CGV HXW
Level 100+
08-10-2013, 11:27 AM #5
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Join Our giuld lvl 50+ I use 100 dollar a week on gems.
Hello fellows. Intrested in high lvl guild than join us kugleblitz (android). I alos have giuld in IOS alos named kugelblitz. MY guild on android is at lvl 18 now and two slots is free. I am after a strong knight that is lvl 100+ to be officiel giuld sentinel and also i am after a guild champion. 100+.
All other memebers are pretty active and help alot to biuld the giuld. But we only need a strong defender and strong attacker.
We also use line messenger for better communication.
I am currently lvl 61 and i have 3 x + verson armor maxed. dragon aiegis armor. drak prince armor. and combustion armor. messege me if u want to joinLast edited by Hjon; 08-22-2013 at 02:22 PM. Reason: Update
08-10-2013, 02:08 PM #6
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recruit me
Im looking for a strong guild Im a level 40 please message me of you guild name
08-10-2013, 02:50 PM #7
Android Guild Unicorn Stampede
Looking to have fun? We're looking for active players, Join the herd!
Limited slots, PM for invite.
08-10-2013, 02:53 PM #8
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The Legends
Guild Members: We have an active group of members, who are mainly above lvl 80 and more than half above lvl 100.
Guild Wars: We are going to be very active in the upcoming guild wars and we are going to attempt to be among the top guilds.
Guild Level: We are 19 at the moment, search my guild for more current info.
Element Bonuses: Water, Earth, Fire and Spirit: 4% Air: 2%
Guardians: We currently have 35 guardians split almost evenly among all, to get ready for the upcoming guild war.
Please PM me or comment with:
Knights Name:
Knights Level:
Gem Spender: (optional)Last edited by JashGanz; 08-17-2013 at 11:07 AM.
Knights Name: JashGanz
Knights Level: 80+
Please PM me on here if you want to add me I get a ton of friend requests, ill make sure to add you if i receive a pm.
08-10-2013, 03:18 PM #9
The Forsaken
Code: wbb dcr mhx
Knight: Banshee Queen
Anyone is welcome to the lvl 2 guild. More than happy to help people. Consider it an alt guild or feeder guild. Death to the Alliance.Knight: Lady Sylvanas
Guild: Majestic
Semi Retired
08-11-2013, 02:01 PM #10
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The Laggin Dragon - Android. Level 6 and growing fast.
Active guild started on the android server called "The Laggin Dragon" Level 6 with the Spirit/Fire/Wind/Earth upgrades purchased at level 1. All guardians purchased and up to level two.
Seeking active members who play frequently and would like to participate in a progressive guild.
08-11-2013, 03:55 PM #11
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Spanish Guild
For Spain Users
Friend Code: WBB CHN XBG
Knight's name: Perolo
Knight's level: 100+
He creado este gremio para aquellos españoles que se quieran unir a al grupo, si ya estas en mi lista de amigos únete, si no lo estas mándame un mensaje privado con tun código para que te añada ya que mi lista de amigos esta llena.
08-11-2013, 05:59 PM #12
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Join pls
Guild Name: the Rainbow Room
(android guild)
Looking for lvl 40+
I am lvl 41 with phyrus armor
Guild is at lvl 4 ATM with 4 members
08-11-2013, 07:14 PM #13
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- Aug 2013
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Agitators brand new guild looking for members of all levels. Once we have a few good members, we will raise the restrictions some. So come join now and always have fun!
08-12-2013, 01:22 AM #14
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WANTED: HARD WORKERS for Knights of Renais Guild
"Knights of Renais is our guild name.We are looking for hard workers Level 30+ who are willing to contribute in any way. We just ask that you maintain an active presence in the guild. We are a level 20 guild as of today, 8/22/2013. Also the guild is run through DEMOCRACY and MAJORITY RULES which means everyone has a VOICE. So give us a try!!! (BTW if we are out of space, do wait for us-it will be worth the wait)
Last edited by samuellee11; 08-22-2013 at 09:50 PM.
Retired Founder of the Knights of Renais Guild
7th in the War of the Wicked
37th in War of the Damned With Gem-saving
36th in Battle of the Beasts
08-12-2013, 03:21 AM #15
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- Jul 2013
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The Blood Titans 60+ guild
Active lvl 60+ guild, look us up and fill the ranks!
At the moment were just looking for active 60+'s, level the guild up reap the benefits etc.
We compete weekly on the boss's and arena, but who doesn't.
Looking to go far as a team, interested? Then search us up and request an invite.
Cheers!Last edited by Jeansbot; 08-12-2013 at 03:46 AM.