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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2012
    I love how you call us the Tyrants Wen you single handedly are driving cost through the roof. You know you will never get first but yet you spend more and more pushing your team and SUP1s spending up, thus feeding Gree. Now you probably think Dogs are going to get 3rd as well. That won't happen either, all that's going to do is put yet more money in Grees pockets. So who's a Tyrant again. I know you like to give yourself a pretty picture on here but a lot of people are starting to see the truth. I must admit though I am jealous of all that extra Valor you get and I would love 100% extra defence from my buildings. O well.


  2. #2
    Chuck Nuts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Charleston, SC
    Baraka, your logic is hilarious. How could Ferr be single handedly driving up the costs of the game? You are implying that the pirates have no choice but to spend more than Ferr. ....or perhaps you are implying that Ferr is personally tapping the recharge button on Pirate Lord's iPad as well, but that would at least take two hands. ;-)

    The Pirates bait the masses with reasonable discussion about giving less money to Gree but then they pay for 25% more points than Ferr to ensure their lead. They know how to stop spending if they want to. We all know how to spend less money on this game if we want to. Don't try to use reason or logic to convince people that they should only spend $1000 per month instead of $2000 per month on a video game. We have all stepped beyond reason the day that we bought our first vault of digital gold.

    Anyone in a top 10 faction is clearly motivated by objectives other than lowering their credit card statements.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baraka View Post
    I love how you call us the Tyrants Wen you single handedly are driving cost through the roof. You know you will never get first but yet you spend more and more pushing your team and SUP1s spending up, thus feeding Gree. Now you probably think Dogs are going to get 3rd as well. That won't happen either, all that's going to do is put yet more money in Grees pockets. So who's a Tyrant again. I know you like to give yourself a pretty picture on here but a lot of people are starting to see the truth. I must admit though I am jealous of all that extra Valor you get and I would love 100% extra defence from my buildings. O well.

    You can't get ahead if you spend all your time trying to get even.

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