1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Units Lost to Fuel Shortages and Abandoned Outpost.

    Attention Commanders!

    It has come to our attention that there is some confusion regarding the Fuel mechanic.

    One of the most common reasons for units to disappear is that there is not enough fuel to support them. As players build more units, there will be a higher demand for fuel. Fuel is produced by refineries and consumed by units.

    If you run out of fuel, units will be destroyed until fuel consumption is no longer negative. By upgrading existing refineries or building additional refineries players can increase their fuel production, which will allow for larger armies.

    Additionally, when an Outpost is abandoned, the Commanders will be returned to the Homebase but any remaining units will be destroyed. Be sure to reinforce another Outpost with the units from the base that is being abandoned.

    As these mechanics are an intended part of the gameplay, we cannot, under any circumstances, replace units lost to low fuel or that were left in an Outpost that was abandoned. We appreciate your understanding.

    This information (and other helpful information about the game) can be found in the in-game help document, which is located Menu>Profile>Settings>Help.

  2. #2
    Say if I move an army from a certain outpost to home base or another outpost, while the army is en-route, if I choose to abandon the outpost from which the army came from, does the army disappear?

    Also it would be a very helpful feature to allow "moving" of an outpost from an existing one.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yeah but fuel that we are collecting from NPCs are not showing up in our stash.

    That needs to be addressed.

  4. #4
    m0dulat0r's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    As far as I can tell, they have fixed this issue. I could be wrong and it might just be a bug that happens irregularly and isn't happening every time. You should look at Fuel just as you would if it was titled "Food"! Your troops will starve without food correct? Well they will die in this game if you lack "Fuel". Typically the same resource with a different title.

    Sincerely, X

  5. #5

    Angry Yet another glitch

    I had a few thousand troops in transit to a base which fell before they arrived. It showed them on their way home after but when they arrived .... Poof. I go to use the in game window to contact support but it says I have to set up an email...which can't be set up. I use up a few thousand troops attacking a few days ago and acquire over 1 million resources ... Which due to the now corrected glitch.. Never showed up. My concern to gree days ago advised they were experiencing higher than usual volumes...yet still no follow up.

    However if I want to use my credit card to purchase bars to acquire resources, commanders or other items that works perfectly. I view spending $ on a game as an acceptable entertainment option. I do expect a degree of customer service in place though. I recommend that any providing positive comments on the game in various forums point out this shortfall so that other new players know what to expect. Unfortunately negative feedback may be the only way of encouraging gree to improve on his issue.

  6. #6

    Army lost during travel

    Hello gree I am very unhappy at this game as I had 3 armies over the past weekend at random time disappear with 3 perfectly good commanders and not return to any base.... On another note my chat doesn't post any messages I press send and nothing happens. I have sent tickets in and never a reply for my problems.

  7. #7

    FAQ and Help files

    Why are these mechanics not spelled out in the FAQ and help files? Or did I just missed them.

  8. #8
    m0dulat0r's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    It should be noticed when troops consume fuel as you produce more units; fuel production drops. It's kind of a smoking gun deal.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic Boom View Post
    Say if I move an army from a certain outpost to home base or another outpost, while the army is en-route, if I choose to abandon the outpost from which the army came from, does the army disappear?

    Also it would be a very helpful feature to allow "moving" of an outpost from an existing one.
    No, if you abandon a base while units are in route to another one of your bases from the want you abandon, the units will not disappear.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    then can we please allow stealth drones to go with our main army in reinforces?

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I recently lost units because I ran out of fuel. I can understand that. The problem was that I lost many more units than is necessary. My fuel production went from -23k to +11k. That is an extra 11k fuel worth of units that shouldn't have been destroyed. This is really aggravating, and should be fixed so that your production and consumption become equal (or extremely close to it). Come on gree, your servers shouldn't be guessing how much I lose, there should be an algorithm that can efficiently determine it to avoid unnecessary losses.

  12. #12


    Yeah... you guys replaced my 40M uv and fuel you stole during last weeks glitch.
    You can and do replace lost units if it is your fault. (Might want to add a disclaimer above).

    Thanks again for overloading my HB with like 100M uv. It only took two days a bubble and a ton of time to move all that junk only to run out of fuel.

    Cybernetics - 1.9B bp - no gold
    Allied Forces
    World 14

  13. #13
    Lolsies's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jman View Post
    I recently lost units because I ran out of fuel. I can understand that. The problem was that I lost many more units than is necessary. My fuel production went from -23k to +11k. That is an extra 11k fuel worth of units that shouldn't have been destroyed. This is really aggravating, and should be fixed so that your production and consumption become equal (or extremely close to it). Come on gree, your servers shouldn't be guessing how much I lose, there should be an algorithm that can efficiently determine it to avoid unnecessary losses.
    Well sometimes it helps a lot. Eg my friend currently has -200k an hr.

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