Ok, thanks to all of you who sent your requests and asked for info via pm. Im both sorry and happy to inform all of you that Im no longer part of Knights from a far. Some of the officers and members (including Butthead) had to leave because the guild was not going the way we thought was the best way to achieve victory. And basically the goals achieved were the product of the hardwork and money of a handfull of people, not a real team effort.
So, we joined Ryan and his guild JAG and we placed in top 75 last war. And we're building two guilds now, so there will be room for a lot of active players who want to share victory and glory with us.
Once again, to all of you I had to say you're stats were not high enough and "we're no longer recruiting" I am trully sorry, and I hope we can take you all in our new awesome teams.
You will be hearing from us soon!!
Thanks a lot and happy hunting!!